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Not So Random Pussies

SO the Totally Chocolate Chocolate Chip Cookies were baked with much pleasure. A fool proof recipe for anyone to follow really. I didn't sieve the flour and used a different variant of sugar and even reduced the call for chocolate morsels. Yet it did not compromise the yum factor one bit (although I did switch the dark chocolate to full milk chocolate chips! ) Seriously, there is only so much chocolate you could stuff into these cookies before it actually becomes chocolate itself. These cookies have more solid chocolate than you could imagine and baking them was a challenge as I couldn't tell if they were browned and baked enough! Therefore it's important to watch over while baking so as not to burn them. Due to its richness, one probably can't consume more than a cookie at one time but with greed and determination, nothing is impossible of course. I like eating them cold out of the fridge with a glass of warm milk. Bliss! 

Here you go. Click here for the recipe :D

Thought I'd post some photos of cats. Most are random strays but they have stories. Capturing them in photographs wasn't easy as they were shy and elusive. But it was worth the wait and effort. 

What brilliant blue eyes she has. She's a stray who lives near my parents' place. Dad feeds her  and her  babies. 
This is the above cat's sister from the same mother and father.  A tigress. Dad feeds her too.  

This is the blue-eyed kitty's son. I called him Comot (Malay for grimy) and although he looked nothing  like his white mom and  orange aunt,  he was a darling. Unfortunately, he had died 2 weeks ago. I was going to take him to a clinic but he was no where to be found (strays are shy). Two days later, he was found dead. Dad buried him under a neem tree. 

Bandit is one of the few strays my cousin Aaron has adopted. He feeds and keeps them at home and they go in and out as they wish. Bandit's other name is Abel and Abel had a brother named Cain who apparently had died. 

And this is Cornwell, the pretty and very shy furry Siamese. He was also a stray before my cousin picked him up. 

Ori is this guy's name. Apparently, he's the bully in the lot.  Aaron has  about five cats if I am not wrong and he feeds them on individual plates. 


  1. It's not fair to show us those cookies Jaya, I wish I could eat one so much haha, amazing job on them! The photos of the cats are awesome too, great post as usual.

    1. but you wanted to see them, Matthew :)
      make them - very easy recipe to follow.

  2. Lots of wonderful kitty shots, the cat likes them a whole lot.

    1. im glad the cat likes them a lot :)

  3. Great looking cats! Are any of these strays tame enough to let you touch them? I knew a tame cat who raised her kittens outdoors and the little imps would run away when you approached them!

    1. hahaha. these strays are not friendly with me as i come and go before they have a chance to get to know me.
      but Comot was almost a friend and then he died. he let me feed him and make him a proper place to sleep.

  4. You had me at foolproof! Love that. :)

    1. foolproof it is :)
      welcome here, Ameena!

  5. The second "tiger" cat looks like it could have auditioned for Life of Pi :) Nice to hear from you. And you've come bearing gifts too! The cookies look delicious :)

    1. ah Azra! thank you :)
      you know, i got seasick watching Life of Pi in 3D.
      i'd pass you some if you're here.

    2. How is Life of Pi, Jaya J?

  6. The third one looks like my Mongo. I'm a cat person, what can I say? (I could make a joke now, but you're a lady, so of course I won't ;))

    1. i think i know the joke here, RC.
      :) Mongo is black ?

    2. Well, boys will be boys. Yes, Mongo is black, which is why he thinks he's Batman. It's a long story that involves a crazy pet owner, a bottle or bourbon and a black cat with a great sense of humor.

    3. lol. RC. i bet mongo takes after his crazy pet owner.

    4. Well, he's got a great role model... How did you know?

  7. That first blue-eyed girl is so pretty. I am the opposite of you with cookies -- I want my cookie warm and my milk cold.


    1. yeah, she is :)
      i am like you too but with these cookies, it's nicer when its out of the fridge - i think :)

  8. Yay! Welcome back Jaya... wow... those cookies look yummmmmm.... so much fr my New Year resolutions... :)

    I always wanted to keep a pet; but my landlady doesnt approve.. wonder how it is keeping cats ...

    Nice to see u back Jaya... nice post as always :)

    1. thanks Raj. these are strays - we actually dont own them but you know, we just feed them so they come in to eat and hang around the compound. it's nice to keep pets ;)
      i almost bought a mini poodle 2 weeks ago but cant keep em at home sadly :(

    2. Rai is a great guy but he always steals my cookies. I don't know why.

    3. Aaah...hey very cool profile pic :)

  9. I may have to try those cookies.

    Cute kitties all, but I was totally thrown by your post title! Bet you get some google hits from that from people not looking for cats.

    1. hahaha. i must have gotten some google hits for the title, yes.
      try them :)

  10. I've finally found a breed of cat that I want. It's called a Munchkin and it's adorable.

    I think I might just have a thing for short legs.


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