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Chicken Soup For The Soul

AFTER about 10 years in the company, I have resigned! It feels strangely liberating and I never knew a resignation could present me with this incredible sense of freedom. Suddenly, I'm faced with choices. It's like ending a long relationship, not a long, bitter one but just one that has lost its sparks. The last time I left a company, I didn't resign. I fired myself instead. That, my friends, felt sooo good it was like releasing myself from an abusive relationship. I was jobless, penniless and almost homeless after that but boy, walking out of that office did feel like I'd grown magical wings. 

In my oversized
 'minx', and a
 Petaling Jaya mug
courtesy of the girls.

But life can't be bad all the time. Four months later, I joined the paper, slipping into my dream job. Then on, life has been a roller coaster ride of a million experiences I wouldn't trade for anything else in the world. Work was work but more than work itself, all I ever wanted was the opportunity to find myself through the job as securing a position at the top of the career pyramid was not quite my aim - money was just to finance my short-term goals. This was made possible through the eye-opening experiences from each of my assignments. From meeting all kinds of people, experiencing various places, food and events, to watching the evolution of country and office politics, the 10 years have been somewhat splendid. I've had lessons on social politics, humanity and to simply understanding the fibres that weave life as we know it. 

Fun times during Star Metro's belly dance charity event -2007-

The resignation also spells mystery. Well, I know I'll be leaving the country to join the husband but not knowing exactly what's before me is fascinating? Endless possibilities. My story could take any direction from here. For the next chapter, I'll take with me the lessons I've learnt in the last 10 years. As my new set of goals is a lot to do with living life the best I can, I'm open to different/ many things. Work will be for a living - that won't change. 

When I was reporting in the KL team ! Fun pix by SSK -2010-

I know one thing for sure though. I'll write for as long as I live, in one way or another, and it may not be just for a living :)

"This job is not my bread and butter. It's the chicken soup for my soul." 

That's a quote I'll always remember from a colleague. I still have two more weeks to go at this company. 

With some colleagues at Vijenthi's wedding six months ago. 


  1. Good for you! Sounds like a godo decision.

  2. That sense of freedom would be so nice to give a try, but sadly I need the job or I'll be out on the street hahaha

    Sounds like a great choice indeed for you, should be interesting to see what is to come.

    1. hey hey. i'd still need a job :) it's just that i am open to doing anything right now. perhaps trying my hand at a different field ?

  3. Woman im gona miss u... I must say that you have made my life at Star exciting, fun and sometimes bearable... There have been times when I perked up just listening to your tales, or laughing at your witty sarcasm...

    You have been an interesting part of my boring life and I hope your resignation does not spell the end of our friendship..

    Good luck in the Middle East and I will look forward to reading your blog posts everyday/week :)

    Love u loads Jayagandi

    1. awww,i love and will miss you loads too Priya Menon !
      thanks for putting up with me and my sarcasms :p
      your life is not boring, except maybe when you're on desk duties, but the lame phone calls should keep you busy :p
      of course not, i dont have any friends there so i'll bug you from across the sea and pop up in your whatsapp more
      love you babes :p

  4. It sounds to me that despite your many happy years Jaya it finally was time to leave and I wish you all of the best luck when it comes to whatever you do next. Great post and great photographs as well, I love that mug they bought you a few years back.

    1. thanks Matthew. there were ups and downs but they happened for a reason. its all good though.
      oh the its from the petaling jaya council - a local council in the selangor state. it was a free mug :)

  5. Well Jaya, as they say, the only constant in life is change. Wishing you all the best in the coming weeks as you begin the next chapter.

  6. Ah, I can feel your excitement to be standing at a pivotal moment in your life. Here's wishing you renewed zest for the next challenge.

  7. Best of luck with whatever the future holds for you.

    In the meantime, I'll continue hunting for another job. I really could use the cash. ._.

    1. my job hunt should start soon. i'll be needing a lot of cash too. good luck to you as well !

  8. Oh wow! Where are you and the husband going to? Anyways, it's great to be embarking on a new adventure and taking with you many great memories! Wishing you the very best of luck all the way ;)

    1. the husband has been there for some time now, so i'd be joining him in Qatar.
      thanks Azra :)

  9. it always feels pretty good to walk out of something that's gotten so old. I recently ditched my old work for something new.

    1. i know rite???
      hope this new job inspires you differently!

  10. oh good for you!! congrats congrats on your decision...exiting.

  11. Out with the old and in with the new.


  12. MathuMathi ambigabadi06 September, 2012

    All the best, sis is in qatar too...u can make frens with her! Hehe

    1. oh thanks, Mathu. we'll meet then :)

  13. You look great in those pictures! Dear Lord!

    Well, now that I got that off my back (for I may be blue but I'm not blind), let me tell you a little story. I once wrote a little post about hard work not necessarily paying off, and then someone you know very well said she'd quit her job, and now I'm reading this post of yours and I feel like doing the same thing. Sigh. If I didn't have all those bills to pay.... 'Work will be for a living - that won't change.' That's as true as gold, Jaya J. My time will come. I'll just have to make it so, right? :))

    1. oh RC. thank you :) i'm flattered coming from the blue man himself.
      we all have bills to pay..and i have SEVERAL bills to pay and therefore i will have to just helps to loosen up a little and enjoy a good job while not getting sucked into climbing the corporate ladder so much. nothing's wrong with having ambitions...just that when i look at the bigger picture, i ask i really want all that stress and sacrifice at the expense of precious time with people i care about and things i really want to do ?
      so how is the wedding prep ?

    2. The wedding prep's overshadowed by relatives not minding their own business, I tell you. It's called unsollicited advice. You may be familiar with the concept. But other than that, everything's great. ;)

    3. oh yes i am familiar with that concept, RC ! dont forget the wedding pics on here k :p

  14. Bloody Hell Jaya, that oil is flipping marvellous! You look lovely (rushes to shop with credit card in hand shouting "I want that oil that Jaya uses, NO! Give me a pallet!")

    Anyway, congratulations on one door shutting and another one opening. I look forward to the next chapter!

    1. oh Juliette. flipping marvelous it is !! cheers to the magic oil ! thanks for reminding me..i do have some credit card bills to pay :)
      and thank you! we'll see how the next chapter goes.

  15. How exciting! Cheers to your new adventure! And I love the outfit you're wearing at the belly dancing event.

    1. thanks for the wishes.

      it's my fav dress :)

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  17. Congrats! I haven't quit a job in a very long time, but I remember the feeling of a world of opportunity opening up all too well.


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