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The Mean One

Mama’s Losin’ It

WHAT do I do without prompts during sluggish times like this. Thanks to Mama Kat's. I'd share something mean someone had said to me once, and why it has stuck with me after all these years. 

You know how some people are plain weird ? The type that others would avoid simply because it's the easy way out around them? I've always thought that some of these individuals are just lonely and they could do with company once in a while. That's how I ended up spending some tea breaks with Madam X because most people just avoided her. So yeah. I took pity. Madam X was a smart lady with just too many personal issues that sometimes screwed up her talents. Often in a dreamy state, she loved talking about the drama that went on in her life and I'd always just listened. She also frequently went off topic and lectured about randoms things like what's inside a computer or the circuit of an electrical device. Now that's clearly not my cup of tea but I'd always listened anyway although I rather got dirty and changed car tyres.

One tea time, Madam X went on this lecture about mother boards and all the tiny stuff that were on them and how they connected and made a computer work. I listened, nodded and asked questions although the topic just bored me to eternity. Then I heard her say this. 

"You know what I think ? I think you're like a Bimbo or Barbie who can't keep up with intelligent conversations like this." She continued to say how I was a shallow person with just a pretty face. Nasty stuff like that. Madam X was on a roll. She said all of that to me with a straight face. My reaction ? I was a little too stunned to react but what can I say to a person whom everyone just naturally avoided for her eccentricity and more.

I'll remember this incident mostly because it puts a smile to my face thinking about it now. The irony of it is that I've always disliked dolls, particularly Barbies (and I'm still not fond of them) as a kid, and I was compared to one that day. All my gift teddies were wrapped up in plastic and put away. I've never owned a single Barbie when almost everyone I knew in school had one or variations of the blond doll. The pink theme and pretty fittings just freaked me out for some reason.

I got my very first Barbie set at 24 when I went for a launch of a collection. I kept it buried in a shoe box for a couple of weeks before I found someone to pass it to. Funny. Two weeks later, Madam X called me a Bimbo Barbie. 

A month later, Madam X sat next to me to finish up her work. She was one of those with some bit of extra facial hair. Perhaps way too much stubs for a lady.

"Good morning," she said to me. Turning away from my PC, I looked her in the face and the rest was just reflex reaction. 

"Good morning, Madam X ! Oh, you've shaved."


Remember this one ? Aqua's Barbie Girl :) 


  1. Hahahahhah certainly got her back! But sheeesh she's rude.

    1. i wasnt expecting that so yeah. i was pretty shocked for reaction.
      but i was mean back to her. yikess :p

  2. Wow!!! I am having one of those moments myself.
    However I also believe nothing draws the bile out in a jerk like being ignored.

    1. what moment ??? hahaha. i've just been too tired to write so prompts help.
      its easier when you can ignore i guess.

    2. The moment when someone takes a swipe at you, that moment. A fight is worth it when something is to be gained, or if the person bears value to you. Then there is the part about wrestling with pigs. While I am not short on cruel things to say, there really is some truth about people who are beneath contempt.

  3. I find it hilarious that you named her Madam X... sure makes her sound like an 'ibu ayam' ;)

    1. ibu ayam ! lol.
      she was in her own world 95% of the time.

  4. It’s great when you’ve been rendered speechless by some rude, insensitive remark to later have the opportunity for a great come-back. Even the “nicest” of us are capable of taking pleasure in having some sweet revenge. ;)

    1. i didnt even think it was revenge until she looked at me all shocked and frozen in time, Beth.
      :) i felt a little wicked then.

  5. Haha, I wonder what aftershave she was wearing! I hope she didn't get upset - those who dish it out should be able to take it.

    1. aftershave, GB ? haha. she never spoke about grooming products because i suppose in her books, it would have been vain.
      she was shocked of course. then she said that i was mean.
      sometimes i was.

  6. LMAO well I can't say she didn't deserve it, well done.

  7. This post made me laugh so much Jaya haha, excellent stuff. I remember that Barbie Girl song all too well too, it's pretty horrible haha.

    1. hey hey. i kind of liked that Barbie song. had a huge crush on a younger guy when that song was out. dont ask me why !

  8. sorry, Sheila ! was with Noel yesterday he told me about it. well yeah. i know what you mean. i was always nice to the person in question and then he snapped that one day. hahaha. i just laughed it off cuz for me, he's unwell. but then again, i dont work with him like you do, so it's different.
    you have an indian barbie doll at home too :) have you ordered the cake yet ? or you could order from esther chandran.

  9. Well the good news is she must have thought you were pretty to call you a barbie. It seems like whenever I try to stick up for someone that nobody else will or be nice to them, I find out soon enough why nobody else does. They deserve it with how they act/treat people so I can't blame you. That's what you get for being nice to someone I guess. Would have loved to see the look on her face when you told her oh you shaved.

    1. yeah i was just being nice to her. but i guess some people are too troubled to notice that. the look on her face ? hahaha. i still see it in my mind, Matt :)

  10. lol it's great when you get the chance to get revenge like that :)

  11. Well done, my dear. Yes. Very well done.


  12. LOL! I will never understand some people. Sounds like she was just jealous of you, and trying to make you feel like an idiot.

    Gosh, Aqua was like another lifetime ago!

    1. i dont know if she was jealous. she just didnt think very highly of me in the brain department :)

      i know rite ? aqua is from another lifetime that i miss !

  13. I am so superficial I would probably be flattered. Id' be like "Oh, she said I was pretty!"

    1. hahaha. thats one way of looking at it :)

  14. I love that video/song, so much hidden meanings and goofiness

    1. Strangely it's unpretentious and that's why I like it , the video.

  15. Wow, that's woman is just so remarkably mean-spirited I think I'd have been stunned silent, too! You'd have to have self-esteem the size of a gnat to attack someone else like that unprovoked. She just cannot be a happy woman.

    1. i was stunned for that reason :) i dont think she was a happy person. maybe thats why.

  16. I wish I would dare say that to a few "X's!"

  17. She would lecture about what's inside a computer? I'd like to meet her for I still don't know. And you're like a Bimbo or Barbie who can't keep up with intelligent conversations? Get out of here! Did she actually say that? Dear Lord, what's next on your show?

    And as for the shaving part... do I want to know?

    1. lol. she did say all of that to me in a matter-of-fact manner. no, you dont want to know about the shaving, RC.

    2. Hahahaha I bet I don't. But maybe Pat wants to know. He's into furry stuff....

  18. Yeah... Can't say I feel bad for her at all after the shaving comment. The other one she said to you was completely uncalled for. :P

  19. Woah, that was a mean thing of her to say.

    Makes me wonder if she has Aspergers. That often comes with a combination of excessive focus on strange subjects and random meanness.

  20. *meow*

    Good for you Jaya!

  21. Some people are just amazing - nice comeback! Glad you didn't let her destroy your own self-confidence!

  22. Anonymous14 June, 2012

    Ha! For a "bimbo" you have some quick wit there!

  23. Holy Cow. Now that was a story. To show you how out if it I am when you mentioned "mother board" I thought -- is that like Pinterest? Ha. No telling how she would have abused me. Thanks for the smile.

  24. Wow. And she called YOU mean after your comment? I would have reminded her about her not-so-nice comment of her own. But maybe I'm a little mean myself, who knows. I'm glad you got a little revenge.

  25. I wanted to give you a hug after reading your post, Jaya. You’re clearly a very kind person and didn’t deserve that treatment.

    Your story brought back some bittersweet memories for me because I’d had a similar experience when I was younger. Like you, I always felt sorry for people that everyone seemed to shun for one reason or another, so I made a point to talk to them. I was floored when a woman said some truly cruel things to me for absolutely no reason after I had shown her kindness. It hurt and it’s something I’ve never forgotten.

    I still try to show kindness where others don’t but I’m much more guarded now just in case the person is mentally disturbed.

  26. WHAT? How very dare she, the hairy witch! She's just jealous of your total beautifulness.

  27. "oh, you've shaved"? Zing!

    "I may be a barbie, but you're a hag."

    Just saying.

    Wait... that was mean (but well deserved)...

  28. beautifully penned
    nice song by acqa

  29. oh my gosh...just stay nice...don't stoop to her level..then you'll be just like her!

  30. LOL, don't you just love how sometimes are brains allow us to be quiet at the right moments, only to speak up when we aren't ready for it.

    If you ask me, she deserved the zing. That'll teach her to be rude to the one person nice enough to give her the time of day.

    Great post! Thanks for visiting

  31. "You shaved" I think I just choked on my coffee! Fabulous come-back!

  32. Haha! Serves her right!!

  33. You got your revenge lol. Maybe she has aspergers?, they tend to find social interaction puzzling, they can be very direct and they often have a narrow field of interest that is obsessively observed by them. In other words, they are eccentric lol.
    Imagine if you pulled out a electric razor and shaved your initials in to her face?
    Now that would be a good revenge lol.


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