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Grey Skies and Feeling Blue

Love the pink against the blue 

I love this photograph. A friend had put it up on Facebook recently and I fell in love with it immediately. Blue skies to me, spell nice things and put me in an instant cheery mood. Along with the warmth of the sun on my skin and some wind in my hair, it's easier to smile and look forward to things in a positive light. It gives hope. 

Not good at all 

The current haze that we're experiencing here is just very disturbing in every way. They say it's due to a forest fire in Indonesia but it feels more like the whole country had burned down or something. The Indonesians must have lungs of steel to withstand a nuclear blast if I can feel this way being 900 miles away from them. My sky is a constant blur of grey it doesn't look well at all. The air has a smoky smell to it and for me, smoky is only good in your BBQ meals. The visibility is as if the Kuala Lumpur skyline has been magically erased off my bedroom window frame. I no longer see the undulating hills from my living room. So yeah, I'm feeling like I'm trapped in this pigeon-hole of a home. 

Oh yum Cookie Crisp 

Can you blame me for indulging in Cookie Crisps at times like this. Comfort food can range from cupcakes to crepes but these Crisps, well since I have them in excellent visibility on my kitchen top, I can't resist the joy I get from the crunchy bits that have tiny chocolate chips in them. I could have it for breakfast, tea and supper. The trick is to ignore the calorie information on the box. Totally sweep it under the carpet and when you feel fat, just up your Zumba time. 

I can SO relate to this. Can you ? 

Of course, from among other life battles, fighting food and fat may seem like a frivolous one. But when the sky is grey, I can't help feeling blue!


  1. rather weird haze you guys have. My skies are usually blue and clear

    1. it is blue and clear here too. but when there's unreasonable open fire somewhere else, we get the smoke in our skies unfortunately.

  2. I hate it when we have wildfires in the area. The smell of smoke is overwhelming. It makes me think the fire is right in my yard even though I know it's many miles away. I love the photo with the blue and pink, too. That would be a great shot to frame and hang on the wall.


    1. fire, smoke - yikes. it gets me angry more than the average person. the photo is gorgeous. i wish i could live under the flowers and watch the sky above.

  3. It's cold here and I miss the summer so I know how you feel. Good to see you're keeping yourself busy with all kinds of delicious fare :D
    Hope the smoke clears up soon enough !

    1. delicious fare is finishing soon and i dont think i'll replenish it :) i need to eat more greens :) yes, lets hope it does soon !

  4. Perfect weather for going to the cinema. Maybe a visually stunning movie like Out of Africa would life your spirits.

    1. but GB! i'm really a cinema person. i much prefer to watch some vampire series at home with a bowl of something nice :)

  5. If eating Cookie Crisps helps you get through an environmental disaster, go for it! You lost both your view and fresh air – you deserve whatever perks you can find…

    And, yes, that is such a beautiful blue sky in the first picture.

    1. thank you Beth! i've had too much Cookie Crisps at this point my body is craving for some greens :)

  6. Blah that is a rather weird looking haze, must be a pain to wake up and see that all the time.

    1. yeah. i wake up and the first i do is to draw the curtains to see if it has improved. its been a disappointment so far.

  7. I could never relate to the blue skies. I always thought a cloudy day with rain was the best kind of day. There's just something relaxing and soothing about it that puts me in a good mood. Now those Cookie Crisps, I can related to those, pass me the box! :)

    1. when i was a kid. i loved the rain and everything it brought. but these days, im happier with the sun. does it rain often where you live ? cheers to cookie crisps !

    2. Yeah it rains quite a bit especially in the summer time, it's always nice to get a break from the heat!

    3. Sorry guys, but any kind of rain (unless it's dollar signs) makes me melt like that evil witch from OZ.... ;)

    4. LOL make it rain !

    5. I'm melting! I'm melting! What a world!

  8. I had that picture as my screen saver on my phone for ages...such a great shot.

  9. Wow, that is a disturbing and depressing haze. I'm with you on the mood lift when the skies are blue. It just makes me feel more hopeful about everything. I'd say your bowl of cookie crisp was a fair enough way of dealing with it.

    1. yeah. blue skies are therapeutic. cookie crisps cannot come close to it but its not too bad :p

  10. I don't need haze to eat cookie crisp. I eat it when the sky is like the first picture. Lucky charms too.

    1. when the sky is blue i'm usually out of the house, enjoying it.
      :) but i can eat cookie crisps when i return

  11. It's a lovely cheerful photo

  12. I love that top photo... And ugh at the haze.

  13. its gorgeous, isnt it.
    yeah. the haze is a bummer.

  14. My go-to cereal is Cap'n Crunch Peanut Butter!

  15. It's a constant blur of grey? That can't be good. I'm sorry to hear that. I could say I love blue, too, but you could see that joke coming a mile away. ;)

  16. If I can't have Cookie Crisp then I don't want to live.

  17. Wow, that's some pic.. one that just transplants to a very happy mood instantly(yes, I am making a copy :D )...

    Oh, hope the grey makes way to the blue soon.. long time, eh Jaya? Been kinda busy on my side fr a while.. hope all's well on ur side other than the grey.. :)

    Oh, those Cookie Crisps... :)

  18. I'm so with you Miss Jaya! I'm on triple sad syndrome at the minute with the relentless rain. It seems the whole world is grey and odd. Sod it, eat cake.

  19. Have to say I'm the opposite. If the sky is blue and the sun is out it means that my face is probably being burnt.

  20. I haven't seen cookie crisp for YEARS! That picture totally brought me back

  21. I can so relate to the last one!

  22. Cookie Crisps should always be consumed guilt-free!

  23. You could not see blue skies, so you found a picture of one instead. I have to say from the photos ive seen of your country id miss it, if it was under fog. It looks like Silent Hill, that horror movie a bit. Well, Malays must have super powers as you say to withstand it. Maybe they can all stand in a line and huff and puff and blow the fog away?. There is nothing wrong with comfort food, just eat it while your jogging. Youll spill half of it and burn the rest off lol.

  24. Delicious looking post. I love sweet stuff.

  25. I cant understand people who dont love eating cakes and sweets and chocolate and doughnuts and.....( deep breaths giasi, deep breaths). Anyway, ive never had a problem with them. On the other hand, I AM a fat b@$tard so there must be some correlation

  26. just checking in...again! hope all is well.

  27. love the first pic !
    an the cookies crisp look yum :)

  28. I feel your pain Jaya! That sky is not good. Over here we have relentless rain and Summer is a thing of the past. However, I'm rather excited by that cookie cereal and feel a deep need to try some.

  29. I’m sorry you’ve been feeling so blue, Jaya. I hope the skies, both inside and out, will clear soon and sunshine will fill your life. :)


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