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Where Do Broken Hearts Go

My favourite pix of Whitney Houston (1963 - 2012)

YET another star has fallen off the sky with the death of pop princess Whitney Houston yesterday. I may not be a die-hard fan of Houston but she did once possess a soul-touching, sky-scraping voice that made your entire being stand in attention. Any one who's lived through the 80s and 90s would know of this songbird who'd touched the world with hits like I Will Always Love You, How Will I Know and I Wanna Dance With Somebody (that smile and confident glint in her eyes when she did it is just amazing). Houston was adored for that gift of voice and she will forever be remembered for that. 

I suppose it's important not to lose that voice inside of us. Losing that inner voice could mean the beginning of our downfall. A little crack allows for a lot of crap to creep in. Houston isn't the first and she's won't be the last. When Amy Winehouse died last year, many voted Houston to be the next in line in a poll (another popular choice was Linsay Lohan) just because it was that predictable. Now we don't know for sure what killed Houston at this point but you can't rule out an overdose given her track record in substance abuse. But Where Do Broken Hearts Go because mostly, they say Houston died of a broken heart. 

Here is my favourite Whitney number. 

May she rests in peace. 


  1. I remember reading about her drug problem a few years ago. I suppose being beautiful, talented and rich is no guarantee of happiness.

  2. yeah. that's probably her downfall, GB.
    and that ex-husband of hers didn't help a thing.

  3. So sad - on so many levels.
    I love that song, too.

    1. i guess we can only be sad and enjoy the voice that lives on, Beth.

  4. I just watched an interview of hers with Dian Sawyer in 2002.When asked what would her life be in 10 years ,Whitney answered she would like to retire.Retired she has , she is known for "TheVoice" and she has touched so many of us with her songs. RIP Whitney.

    1. 10 years ago seems just like yesterday to me.
      but so many things have happened ever since huh.

  5. 'I suppose it's important not to lose that voice inside of us. Losing that inner voice could mean the beginning of our downfall. A little crack allows for a lot of crap to creep in.' I haven't known you for a long time but I like the way you see things. I heard about Whitney's death only a few hours ago. It's so unreal. I know she depressed, but still, to learn she died at such an early age... sigh. I remember her first performanced like it was yesterday. My favorite song is her duet with Stevie Wonder, We Didn't Know.

    1. hello RCB and thanks :)
      yeah, it feels unreal but it will sink in after a while, and her music will live on the various form of technology around us.

      thats a great song too with Stevie Wonder.
      a lanky lady with a lanky voice.

    2. In the past few days I've heard people say it's her own fault, but I'm sure she didn't want to end up this way. And if she did, she should have gotten better support. You know what I mean? When you're depressed, you just can't think straight. I mean, I'm a fairly happy guy, but I can't think straight, so who are they to blame her? :) Such a waste. I wonder what Stevie has to say.

    3. true dat, RCB. but sometimes i also think it's very difficult to help an adult who is set in her ways. i'm sure people around her tried a lot, but it comes to a point where you can only do so much to help. my brother goes through bouts of depression from time to time. i try to help him with all i have but along the way, i get sort of infected too, its crazy.

      no one's to blame :) it's just such a waste.

    4. Dear Jaya J - Don't get infected too much. You're doing such a good job at making us smile. Happy Valentine's Day :)

    5. depression is like an infectious disease :p
      thanks though.
      and Happy Valentine's Day to you as well :)

    6. I've had a wonderful Valentine's Day. Half an hour more to go!

      P.S. My friends call me RC or simply Randy :)

  6. Yeah must keep the inner voice, more proof being rich doesn't buy happiness.

    1. i think being rich is like carrying a machine gun with you - just dont run amok with it.


  7. So sad...she was the best. I LOVED the bodyguard growing up...

    1. yeah, me too, Gia.
      the fashion sense then makes my skin crawl but i like the love in that movie.

  8. I really loved Whitney's music and she'll be miss. Her death is sobering to me, awesome stuff Jaya.

    1. she'd be missed :)
      thanks Matthew.

  9. This is a very well-written post, Jaya. I wasn't a big Houston fan, but she had a beautiful voice; and I hate to see people trash her now. I love that line -- If somebody loves you, don't they always love you? Sadly, the answer is no. That's why I don't understand love. I think it's forever, but I seem to be alone in my belief.


    1. thanks JJ :)

      but to me, i think what it means is that once you love someone, you'd always care or at least think of that person every now and then, despite what has happened. you can't erase some memories, good or bad. and you don't have to be in love in all of these.

      it's like knowing a person. once you know a person, you'd always have the knowledge of knowing that person.

  10. WTF? I did not know this! :(

  11. RIP, sweet princess.

  12. A lot of people are saying it was kind of predictable due to her lifestyle choice. :(

    Maybe that judgment is a touch premature?

  13. I saw her perform live once, she put on a great show.

  14. I think another Musician whose death remains a mystery. Doesnt matter as long as you love their work!
    "Where do broken hearts go?" Wow!

    1. hello Hari. welcome here :)
      Whitney's work was great.

  15. I used to love the song "Greatest Love of All" when I was a kid. I'd sing along with it whenever it played on the radio, which is an experience nobody should have been subjected to.

    1. haha. i guess most of us did that.

  16. I was never a great fan of hers, but it's still sad to hear of her passing away. Great post.

    1. thanks :)
      indeed Whitney is a great lost.

  17. So sad. She was a real talent.

  18. Made me sad to hear it - such a waste of a life and talent.

  19. this is the only celeb death i'm actually sad over! that's bc i was actually named after her (i was born the year she became famous). my extended family and i spent all last weekend emailing each other youtube videos of WH. i do love that photo you posted of her.

    1. i see why you're sad. that, and Whitney was a great singer.
      i was devasted when MJ died because my gran also died on the same day, same year.


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