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Looking Young

Mama’s Losin’ It

This post is a result of a writing prompt by Mama Kat's.
Share a photo that was taken of you, that you think really captures who you are

I was about six months old when this was taken

Why, you ask ? I still have the same smile and cheeks, only with more hair for eye-brows and more bum to fill up most part of that seat. I still gravitate towards light with willing, wide eyes just like how I did to the camera flash in this case. For those who see me, they probably view me as this person because I still get stopped at bars and sometimes even at movies for those above 18. I get ignored or dismissed as just a 'young person' in many context because cute and adorable probably don't reflect what you're actually made of. But I'll have the last laugh because I know what I'm capable of while I watch you wrinkle-up and age into a dinosaur.  

Ps. Well, really. I'm just upset because I realise that this is how the soceity views the young mind here and it's about time that they start treating them with the respect that they deserve.


  1. Some women feel complimented when they get asked for ID to prove they're old enough to be in a bar, but that seems to be over 21 in the US. You were a cute baby, but I think you've improved with age.

    1. i do like looking young. GB. i suppose that makes up for my lack of height. and thanks GB ;)

      what 'm saying is that through experience, our soceity dont really respect and value input but young people. perhaps that explains the state of the country a little.

  2. That is such an adorable picture!

    I guess there's nothing left to do but enjoy the fun of seeing people's reaction when they finally find out your real age. :)

    1. yea :) happens to me and my brother, my mom and her brother. but sometimes we are taken for granted for the looks.

  3. Yeah it is quite amusing when they find out your real age, but as you say you'll have the last laugh, when they are old and wrinkling you won't be.

    1. yes Pat Hatt. while i'm at it, i hope to stay forever this way :)

  4. Nice pic, Jaya.. yup, the similarities still stay :)

    For me, they think I'm all mature n stuff judging by the way I look but then they slap their heads when I open my mouth..:)

    1. thanks Raj :)
      when you put it that way, you sound cute too :)

  5. aiyooooo so cuteeeeeeeee i think u must be a lil older then 6mths ..

    1. thanks Sheila :) ya maybe a month more or so.

  6. I love the photo of you as a child Jaya, your parents must have found it so adorable at the time, so cute!

  7. From pic to pic you still have the same bright smile. Don't lose that!

  8. well weren't you a pretty little baby... and now you're a beautiful woman

  9. You were (are...) such a sweetheart!

  10. Wow! I wish I retained my youthful baby looks like you did. I'm jealous.

  11. Aw, what a cute baby photo. You should move here where we seem to have lost all respect for the wisdom aging brings. You can stay until you start to wrinkle and then move back. :-)

    I sent an invitation to my blog, which I had to hide. If you didn't get it, email me at and I'll re-send it.

    1. thanks :)

      i cant seem to e-mail you, it cant get through for some reason.

  12. Cute portrait. :)

  13. You were adorable and you will be beautiful at every age because you have a good mind.


  14. Dear Jaya J, don't waste your precious time thinking about what society should or shouldn't do and what anyone that doesn't love you thinks of you. Life's too short. I should know, for I've been called a dinosaur already. Now I need a shrink :)

    1. True dat, RCB. Life is short :)
      Welcome here !

    2. Thank you. I've got a feeling I'll be snooping around this place more often than I should :) I like the look of your blog. Step two: more reading to be done....

  15. I think a picture that really captures me was after I came out of surgery and was still under the affects of anesthesia.

    Pale, thin, bags under my eyes, and with a sunken face, I have a glare that is comparable to the most bitter of old men.

  16. Well, absolutely everybody had such a baby picture in these plastic wicker conical chairs. I bet the sod who designed that chair could have raked in the royalties but the net wasn't invented then.
    Cute picture, and if you could squeeze into that dress now, I do believe you could have a digital picture update as not much has changed.

    1. aww hobbit. thank you :) the entire dress would not be enought for my bum alone now. lol.
      yeah. that chair..youre right about that.

  17. I had a conversation with a close friend last night on this very subject. I told him not to worry about those people who treat him like a 'kid'. It's just because most of them are jealous of the beauty and youth.

  18. Look at those cheeks! So cute!


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