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One True Love

YOU know how certain perfumes just don't work for some people no matter what the rave reviews are? A fine example is  the iconic Chanel No. 5, which basically smells like baby powder on me. Then there was a Michael Kors that made me smell like I'd just emerged from an Indian temple - over-powering with tactless musky jasmine notes. Oh, and a Cartier that on its own smelled like my grandmother's spice shelf. So over the years, I've pretty much kept to the same perfumes that I'm comfortable with. Kenzo Flower was a favourite once. Took me a few bottles and some years to realise that it wasn't exactly me. Then came along Estee Lauder's Beyond Paradise before I moved on to an Issey Miyaki I adored. In the recent years, I've fallen in love with Burberry Weekend - a scent that may have appeared a little too strong but it has worked for me as it made me feel like I was on an Arabian Desert Safari apart from somewhat reminding of Annick Goutal's Le Jasmin.

Two weeks ago, I discovered the Coach Signature perfume. I tried it on one evening at a mall and I liked it so much that I didn't wash my wrist when I went to bed that night. It was like being in love and knowing that that's your one true love. It settled into my pores like it belonged there and radiated all those lovely floral notes when the skin breathed. Bliss. 


I love the jasmine, rose and lily in it, sweetened with just a hint of vanilla. The scent is like an Indian bride on her wedding night - shy yet sensuous. 
When you put it on, it may seem like it's coming on too strong at first but after a while it subsides into a subtle scream that only you and the person next to your skin can hear. It has a personal yet friendly touch to it, and denotes a mature, confident woman who knows what she wants. 

If you're planning on getting it, go for the parfum instead of the eau de toilette. It makes a huge difference because the beauty of this perfume lies in the lingering of it on the skin. For some reason, I find the eau de toilette disappearing off the skin like black magic after a couple of hours and doesn't capture the true essence of this gorgeous perfume. It's not the sort of perfume you want to use as just a body splash as you want it to linger and lure. 


  1. Don't think I have to worry about that,
    Is no perfume is liked by the cat

    1. you save a lot of money there, Pat :)

  2. Now you've made me curious. I don't think I've ever smelled Chanel No.5. I wonder what kind of woman it smells best on. Old, wrinkly ones?

    1. hahaha, GB. Coco Chanel would be rolling in her grave with that comment. but really. Chanel no 5 smells like sweat on a friend :p

  3. i was always intrigued with smells :) i like all the different smells they have

    1. yeah,me too :)
      although i cant live with half of them.

  4. I wrote down the name. I am way past due for a new perfume and that one sounds worth a try.

  5. Yeah... Been hunting for a nice perfume for my girlfriend for a while but they smell all the same to me. :\

    Maybe I'll give the one you liked so much a whiff if I can find it.

    1. you should try smelling coffee beans in between the perfumes youre testing.

  6. I know what you mean about some fragrances just not connecting a few are like that for me too when it comes to aftershave. So pleased you're fond of this Coach Signature stuff, completely agree it's worth getting the full perfume too Jaya.

    1. hello Matthew. i guess it works the same way with an aftershave ;)
      i'm currently very fond of this Coach perfume :)

  7. coach used to be sort of tacky but their recent stuff (in the past 1-2 years) has been amazing! this is a good perfume review post. :)

    1. welcome here, Whitney :) and thanks!
      i know what you mean. even their bags were quite tacky once, but they have really nice ones in the last couple of years.

  8. I've stuck with only one brand so far... I'm too lazy to go and try out new ones.

    1. i'm a bit like you too in a way :) but i'm exposed to these perfumes from the many door gifts and gifts that i've received.

  9. I usually don't wear perfume or cologne. When I do, my favorite is Vanilla Lace from Victoria's Secret. I wore Chanel No. 5 when I was young. I liked it. No particular reason I gave it up. My mom wore White Shoulders. Sometimes I would steal a spritz of it.


    1. oh JJ. Vanilla Lace sounds like cupcakes served in a champagne bar. maybe i'd look for it :) it's always nice to steal mom's beauty products, right. i used to steal my mom's nail polish as a kid.

  10. Wow, what a lovely post.. loved the way u described the scent.. esp the description of the Indian bride...remarkable :)

    I agree qith u that everyone needs to try a lot of 'em to find their one true scent.. as fr me, I kinda mix n match a bunch of 'em to till I get somethin unique .. n yes, I like strong scents :)

    Brilliantly described Jaya.. lovely one :)

    1. thanks, Raj. i just went with what i felt with the perfume :)
      but really, it did remind me of Indian brides..the way they are... and the scents surrounding them - speaks of the perfume.

      yeah, i like strong one sometimes, but i also like a playful scent depending on the mood and surrounding :) whoa..mix n match ...sounds potent to me :)

  11. Wow, you do a great job at describing perfumes. I usually stick with something like "smells good" or "nice."

    1. Thanks Gia. That's the general rule I suppose - to stick with something nice.
      :) I do that too

  12. I've never found a perfume I'm entirely happy with. But I do love Neutrogena sesame oil - it's has a subtle, spicy smell. You have to be pretty close to me to smell it. My boyfriend wears this aftershave that has a very slightly sweet smell, and I can only smell it at all if my face is right up against his neck. I love it.

    1. Oh nice. What does he use ? My husband's aftershave makes me cranky. When he has it on, I can smell him from the kitchen.

  13. You described it very well. :D

  14. You're such a girl, Jaya. 8)

    1. :D I am, right?
      Sometimes I can't help it.

  15. I like to try new things, but I am totally stuck on "Flowerbomb." It is the bomb...

    1. welcome here !
      i like the name Flowerbomb :)

  16. I wish my girlfriend wore real perfume

    1. maybe she'd like it later in life. the liking, i suppose, is something you develop over the years.

  17. I like Christopher Brosius' perfume. My current favourite is called In The Library

    1. i will check it out, Nursie.
      i've never heard of it :p

  18. I've never smelled this, but I usually buy some fragrance to help me sleep. Unique stuff!

    1. really, like what ?

      balms put me to sleep :) love the smell

    2. It's called "Sleepy-time spray". It's a home-made concoction that a woman sells out of her shop. It smells unlike anything I can even describe. It puts me in a dreamy state. I love it!

  19. You sure know how to make perfume sound sexy!

  20. Flower by kenzo is my favourite! I also recently tried 'Naughty Alice' by Vivien Westwood because it smelt so wonderful on my friend. My Mother says it smells like old fashioned cold cream. Great. Let me know what you think!

  21. nice one dear, which help you to discover the menaning of true love

  22. I'm back! Hi there, Jaya J. How are you today? The last time I smelled like I'd just emerged from an Indian temple was when my downstairs neighbor decided to burn a heapload of incense. According to the police... 12 sticks all burning at the same time. Well, I suppose 12 sticks of dynamite would've been worse.

    So, being in love is like smelling your wrist all night long? I see. :)

    Have a wonderful day, Jaya J!

  23. Haha, I have the same thoughts on Chanel nr. 5. And I think it smells a little like my grandmother too :p

  24. All perfumes (male variety) smell OK on me at first, but after a couple of hours I start to smell like a three day old haddock. Dunno why.


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