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Chuck Me :)

MICH and I spent the whole of last afternoon in silence, watching Chuck. Not that we had fought or anything but we were just paying some serious attention to our idea of god's gift to women in action. And then, she broke the silence.

"You think we can be good spies together ?," Mich asked.

"Maybe. But we'd still need Chuck. We don't have the Intersect," I replied. We don't know Kung Fu. Neither can we Flash like Chuck nor Zoom like Morgan. 

"Hmm, true. We need Chuck," she agreed. We watched two more episodes after that in silence and sudden laughter.

Like his million or so other fans, I love Chuck Barstowki. We love Chuck. He's the new James Bond in the spy world. A geek you can't help falling in love with. And he can make you wanna work in a place like Buy More, which is probably equivalent to the electronics and home appliances section of a Harvey Norman store. We're now in the middle of the show's final season and, Mich and I are going to miss Chuck (and the team) a lot. Or maybe we're just hung up on Zachary Levi himself. Chuck me !

"Where do you meet a guy like Chuck ?," asked Mich three days ago, sharing a nice bottle of red with me.

"I don't know. Maybe on the dance floor," I said. All the years I've known Mich, she has never danced. Rhythmic movements put her into an instant coma and she''ll never be caught in the act even in private. I'm still trying to coax her into it though. If everything else fails, she has to commit to Zumba at the very least. That'll be my personal mission - to make her dance. 

On the hindsight, I may have met a spy on the dance floor before. I was working when I met this person. Soon we became friends and he told me that he was working for this company. But then, he went missing from time to time. Sometimes I get random surprise messages from him on Google Chat like this :

"Hello! How are you ?"

"Good, thanks! What's up ?"

"Great ! I'm in Dubai now"

"Whoa. Okay, I just saw you three days ago"

"Yeah. Work. Gtg now. Bye !"

Maybe he was a druglord or a hired bad person but he did look a lot like Jake Gyllenhaal (so he can't be all that bad, right?) He also had weird habits like drinking very little - like maybe two sips off a pint of beer and smiling more than talking. He was also painfully polite it wasn't funny and some what geeky, which was fine by me. One day, we were at dinner and hung out a little after that when he told me something that made my ears stand and eyes wide. 

"Of all people, I shouldn't be telling you this," he said as I inched towards him. 

It turned out that he wasn't working for that company as it was just a cover. He was some kind of a spy dealing with information gathering for an authority. No details and truthfully, I didn't want the details too but at least things made better sense then. I last waved goodbye at him that night five years ago and never heard from him till December last year. He's just gotten married and lives in his home country in Europe. It's all good :) 

Perhaps Mich should try the dance floor after all. 


  1. Mmm...jake gyllenhaal. Definitely can't be bad then.

  2. Just finished Chuck Season 5 this past weekend. Sucks that it is over, such a good show, watched every other episodes 2-3 times at least. And a real spy, I guess the dance floor is the place to be.

    1. i know ! that's what i'm doing now too - watching all over again :)

  3. Chuck is so good Jaya, I love the show and still have two more seasons to watch!

  4. Replies
    1. should do :) after a few episodes you'd start liking it.

  5. I'm glad to hear that you have survived the 'spy' episode. Most of them usually kill those that they tell. Well, in the movies anyway. Happy Dancing!

    1. lol. yeah, im happy too :p
      thanks !

  6. I've never really gotten too into Chuck, but it sounds like I might have to.

    1. give it a try :) its a funny show

  7. A dance floor or a computer store…
    Ah, love – of the celebrity/fantasy type - good for the heart, the soul and the imagination!

  8. I'm sorry to say I've never seen Chuck. Guess I'll have to catch up on Netflix. But I don't think a spy would act like a spy or say he's a spy.

    Janie Junebug

    1. yeah. maybe he was, maybe he wasn't.
      but i like the idea and the mysterious behaviour :p

  9. Your spy friend must have retired if he's living in his home country with a wife. James Bonds never did that. Do you know if he has a good pension?

    1. he still travels in his side of the world :p
      never asked about his work though, GB.

  10. I'd love to take an afternoon and just watch shows with my girlfriend. We have such a massive backlog at the moment.

    Also Jaya J to me is like, ok, the best way I can describe it is you know those chocolates with cherries inside? Bite one of those in half. That mixture of brown and dark red is what your name looks like to me.

    1. I'll tell your girlfriend you said that!

  11. it's great to sit back and watch shows together :p

    and you just made my name sounds like Moulin Rouge - i like !

  12. The only Chuck I know is actually called Chucky. You may know him too. My friend Jasmin thinks he's sexy. And so you think is Chuck Barstowki. Well, I wouldn't know anything about that, but it's always good to hear a flashing Chuck makes you happy. And you have your own spy too! Spring sure is coming early this year, Jaya J. :) You have a nice day now!

  13. oh i know Chucky :) but its freaky though.
    i just generally dislike dolls and soft toys since a kid.

    you have a great day too :p

  14. Do you like the Arctic Monkeys? this song seems appropriate to your post

    1. Not a fan :) but the link seems like a fun song.

  15. I've never watched it, but my friends say it's cool.

    1. I can't agree more with your friends :)

  16. Sadly I tried but never got into the show.

  17. Oh MY GOSH Jaya you know a spy!!! I wonder what he does.....curious. I too love Chuck. LOVE HIM!

    1. he gathered information, Juliette :)
      very sexy person.
      i know right - you've just gotta love Chuck, there's no other way around him.

  18. Sadly I don't watch too many tv shows, so I never saw this show. Levy is pretty cute, though.

  19. I don't even have tv cable. :p

    1. me too :)
      i download all my shows.

  20. I watched the first season...but I may sit down and watch it all over a weekend

    1. you should :) if you dont like Chuck, then you might find Sarah Walker very enticing :)

  21. I am utterly lost because I don't have tv anymore.

    Just tried re-sending an invitation to the email address on your blog. Let me know if it doesn't get there.
    you can email me at

    1. i never got it :(
      will e-mail you now.

  22. You met a real life Chuck, this could have been your first steps in to the spy world. A month from meeting him you could have been suspended from a wire in some secret building stealing computer files from evil bankers while security ninja try to attack.
    But at least you would have lookes stylish, because spies always look that way, even if their in a heating duct, they look spotless, their cleaning bills must be huge, or they carry a huge roll of selatape to get rid of dust.

  23. yes i think did ? hahahhaha.
    the thought sounds so sexy :)
    ahh, to be a spy...


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