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An Award on Oscar Day

THANKS for the Kreativ Blogger award on Oscar Day, Queen Bee. It is sweet to pin a badge like this here and since this is my first award, it's all the more sweet.  With this, I'm required to list out ten random things about myself and later tag six other favourite bloggers. Let's start with the 10 Random Things :) 

1) Diamonds are not for me. I admire jewelry (fine or otherwise) but I'm not in love with them enough to want to own them. My favourite jewelry is a pair of white pearl stud earrings. 

2) I drink water for breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner. It's just a good habit I can't break. I usually write with a bottle of water next to me instead of a mug of coffee. 

3) I love balms. Nothing calms me better than a nice balm. It reminds me of my grandma, clears my mind, and puts me to sleep. 

4) I keep a hammer in my bedroom. It came in handy TWICE when the lock jammed. I broke it and set me free. My mother was petrified with the knowledge that my lock had jammed TWICE. 

5) Happy brownies make me sad. Or rather paranoid. 

6) I dislike crowded places. So I skip sales, concerts, carnivals and a host of other fun activities. 

7) I'm addicted to Zumba. What would I do without it. It keeps me sane. 

8) Being in the ocean freaks me out. That's right. I don't like brushing shoulders with fishes and shrimps. A snorkeling attempt turned disastrous during a Phuket holiday in 2008 when someone decided to throw a loaf of bread near me. I became hysterical when all the fishes in the waters of Phi Phi Island came banging onto my legs. 

9) I have Chronic Extertional Compartment Syndrome. This is really random and rare. 

10) I'm not adventurous with make-up. That's right. I don't spend half my pay cheque stocking up on the season's colour palettes. I stick to my peach or orange eye-shadow that disappears into my skin upon application for both day AND night looks. 

Now here are the six lovely bloggers :) 

1) Terra Shield 
2) R.A.J 
3) Beth 
4) RCB  
5) Pat Hatt 
6) Adam 

Blue skies and nice things, y'all ! 


  1. Congrats on the award! No diamonds?! Crazy!

  2. Congratulations on your award Jaya, it's much deserved too, it's great to know more about you like this. I'm with you on the water thing, I try to drink at least 4 bottles of water a day to stay rehydrated though I still drink coffee for breakfast however! Great stuff.

    1. Thanks Matthew. It's just a habit since a kid. I like drinking water. Coffee and tea don't hold my fancy.

  3. Congrats and thanks for the shoutout too. A hammer huh? hahaha well as long as you don't sleep with it under your pillow it's not too scary.

    1. Pat! Another award to decorate your lair? I'm so jealous. Oh wait... I've got one, too. :D

    2. Thanks Pat. I keep it in the room for self defense purposes. Hahha. Yes am a little paranoid. But it's not under the pillow.

      Don't b jealous, RC :)

    3. haha I suppose that works, always need something for self defense

  4. Congratulations on your award – and thanks for including me in your list of “lovely” bloggers!
    As for me coming up with some random things? I did this a few times in my early blogging years – maybe I’ll cheat and do a repeat? ;)

    (Hope things are improving with the chronic exertional compartment syndrome.)

    1. thanks Beth, and cheating is just fine :p

      my legs are acting up a little lately. the left foot has been numb for a week. i guess i need another visit to the doc :) thanks for asking.

  5. Congratulations and I enjoyed reading your random list! I especially liked the part about the bread in the ocean. Things like that completely freak me out!

    1. thanks a lot :) that did freak me big time.
      i think some people found it funny. lol

  6. You deserve that award, Jaya J. You really do and I'm real happy for you. Your first award. That's wonderful. But just so you know... I was about to send you some diamonds (I've got a special tree in my garden with diamonds instead of apples), but I guess I shouldn't send you anything that doesn't add to your happiness, right? Drinking water all the time... is that a fact? Well, I applaud you for the bottles of water I bought, what, half a year ago are still waiting for me to show them some love. Well, you know what I mean. I know I should drink more water and less um... stronger stuff... but I'm weak. I only drink water when it's a hot summer day. I just read your post about your rare condition. I'd heard about it and I wish I could give you a little pink pill to make it go away, you know that. I also keep a hammer in my bedroom. Not because my lock jams like the traffic around the corner does but (1) to hit burglars on the head and (2) to let my hump-happy neighbors know I'm entitled to some sleep. I'm a big fan of women who are not a fan of (too much) make-up. ;)
    - RC

    P.S. Thanks for the award! What makes you think I deserve it? Oh and do I really have to list 10 random things about myself? I mean... ten? Now I'll have to be really kreativ.

    1. hello RC. thanks a lot. i don't mind having such a tree in my backyard as well, and yes, drinking water is a fact :p but that doesn't mean i don't like anything stronger...i'm talking about three shots of Royal Salute, neat. cheers :)

      yeah, CECS. it's a bugger. thanks for your concern, RC.
      lol. i keep a hammer for the fear of burglars too but since my door jammed once, i always kept it in the room. door locks have issues with me. i've been locked in random restaurant toilets a few times and once at a hotel room last year :)

      well, you should deserve this award solely for being blue. but i also like your style and humour :)

    2. You've been locked a lot. That might be worth an award, too.... :D

  7. There's supposed to be place where people pay for fish to nibble their feet and remove the dead skin. Maybe that could cure your phobia?

    1. oh GB :) i tried that once. i think i KungFu-kicked them away for 10 minutes and then i left.
      i have the fear of fish bites :)

  8. I'm with you on #6. Why do you lock your bedroom door? would other family members just burst in without knocking if you didn't?

    1. haha. i lock my bedroom door because i live alone. but when there are family members in the house, i don't lock it.

  9. I'm so with you on the fish phobia. I once saw a fish jump out of a lake and bite my brother in law on the nipple. TRUE STORY!!!!! I've been in therapy ever since.

    1. OMG. lol, sorry. that must have been painful for him and you, just watching him.

      welcome here :)

  10. Congrats Jaya.. and thanks so much fr including me in your list of “lovely” bloggers!! :)

    Nice to knw ur streak of randomness in 10 different ways.. wow, a girl who doesn't lke diamonds.. tht's nice.. :) n even I hd this thing bout oceans.. though nowadays I always end up at the beach on vacations.. hopoe alls well with the CECS now.. m think I'm a water freak too :)

    Thnx fr the award Jaya.. really, really appreciate :)

    1. thanks Raj. you know what, i think we have the fear of fish bites :) lol

    2. Sorry to interrupt, but there seems to be a problem with my screen.... Thnx fr... m think... knw ur... :p

  11. Congratulations! I am tagging you on my blog today.

    Janie Junebug, who is now on twitter and wants to be followed

    1. thanks Janie. i saw the tag. hehe. may take me a while to come up with answers for that one. hahaha

      what's your twitter name ?

  12. Congrats on your award. :)

    1. So there you have it: Damien has this color thing, you have CECS and I've got Sarcoidosis, the annoying thing that killed my friend Bernie "Ocean's Eleven" Mac. Don't you think it's time the three of us had a drink to discuss the brighter side of life? :))

    2. we can all just have a drink :) life is always bright despite all the annoying things that we have, RC.

  13. Sorry to hear about random fact #9. And I'm with you on #6.

    Congratulations on the award and thanks for passing it on. I'm honoured. I'll get to it over the weekend, I think:)

    1. thanks for your concern :)
      looking forward to reading random facts about you :p

  14. I'm not much on expensive jewels or make-up either. And I recently started going to Zumba - fun class!

    1. we have some common things i see :)
      zumba is good.

  15. I've never heard of the condition, so I read up on your October post.

    I have difficult times in large groups as well. It really helps me if I have someone to anchor myself to.

    I need to drink as much water as you do. So healthy.

    Have a good day!

    1. talking about which, i need to drink more water. haven't been drinking the last couple of days.


  16. Congratulations! :D

  17. Lovely random stuff, following for more!

  18. thats very nice, Natural One.
    thank you :p

  19. I have seen so me of these kinds of lists and I can honestly say that your facts were actually interesting, which is usually not the case. Weed made me paranoid and unhappy for years and yet I continued to smoke it every day. Goes to show how smart I can. Best of luck with running again. Made me feel like I should start doing more with the perfectly good body I have (while I still have it).

  20. First time here ;) This is a pretty badge! I am a balm girl too!


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