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"Somebody Gonna Get A Hurt Real Bad"

RUSSELL Peters is going to be in this part of the world some time soon. Yes, the bloody Canadian comedian who picks on his audience for a laugh. Tickets for his show were snapped up within three hours when it was up for sale last week here in Kuala Lumpur. I hear Dubai still holds the record for having sold all tickets within eight minutes or so ? It's crazy how people would pay so much and risk themselves being made fun of by this man on World Wide Web. 

Just the other day, I got a call from a dear friend. I mean, I love this woman to bits, don't get me wrong. 
"Jaya, do you know of anyone who'd want to sell their Russell Peters tickets ? I'm willing to pay any amount. Money is no issue," she said. 
Coming from her, it's quite acceptable (because she was enquiring about something to a friend) although it seems pretty much like the case of random idiots who call the media office to complain about a small fire in their backyard when they'd be better off calling the fire department instead. They're even rude about it like...
"Have you called the fire department, sir?"
"No, it's your job to call". 
Really. How IS that ?

So Russell tickets are sold out. I mean, they're completely wiped out and I know of many Malaysians who are actually crossing over to Singapore to catch him in that tiny city-state as the man is making his presence there too. Despite everything, I must admit that Russell does make me laugh out loud although his jokes can be repetitive sometimes and they make me want to kick him hard in the balls at other times. Some jokes have that kind of aggressive-with-laughter effect on me ( a nice way, methinks) and Russell's satirical genre which focuses mostly on racism, multi-culturism, stereotypes and some bit of sex is just crazy for lack of a better word at this hour of the night. 

I'd be sorry if I don't catch him here at my shore, so thanks to a real sweetheart who'd like to remain anonymous (because this person really deserves a mention here), I've got two tickets myself! I don't know where Mich and I would be seated in that show, but considering that we are such a striking couple, we could very well be the bull's eye in the Russell target. I'd assure you one thing though. If he ever picks on us, I'm going to cry out loud or rather wail and create some drama just for the heck of it. I did learn method acting after all. It'll be really interesting to see how Russell reacts to something like that :) 


  1. Don't wail, Jaya! You'll annoy the rest of the audience for spoiling the show! Just call him a "Big Silly Man", if he picks on you. If you say it right it will sound funny.

    1. i think if i do it right, i mean wail, it might just be a great show for all, GB :)

  2. He’s quite the funny guy & considering his brand of humour, it’s not surprising he’s from multi-cultural Canada!
    Enjoy the show & if he targets you, give it right back to him!

    1. he's wicked, Beth. i hope Jeff Dunham can make a trip here too but that, i think would be totally impossible with that all terrorist jokes.
      i could also play dead if he targets me :)

  3. These videos are great Jaya, Russell Peters sounds like a seriously hilarious guy, have fun if you do get to go!

  4. I haven't heard of the guy, but I hope you have the opportunity to do some dramatic wailing.

    1. i'm just saying :)i dont think i'd actually wail though, but it would be fun.

  5. haha he isn't too bad, firt I heard of him. And wail away, I think that be funny.

  6. For some reason I thought you were talking about a Jack Russel in the beginning.

    1. i know a Jack Russel who is like sugar high ALL the time. wonder if all Kack Russels are like taht.

  7. The 2nd show is on! Friday, 11th May ;)

    -Somebody who likes to remain anonymous-

    1. And so I've heard :p thank you darlin !

  8. Enjoy the show! I like sex jokes - most of them are so funny!

    1. thanks, Azra! me too :)

    2. Now, I didn't know that about our friend Az... Isn't that funny? :D

  9. I've never heard of him but I bet he and the audience would love it if you started wailing. :) Enjoy the show!

  10. He is a riot but i couldn't be arsed to buy tickets for his show...i know it's gonna be filled with young punks and that alone would annoy me. Hope u have a blast!

    1. i dont do crowd very well and i dont like stadiums, but it'll be nice to see this man though,Saby :p

      thanks !

  11. If it happens, make sure you get your friend to take a video so we can all watch it... ;)

    1. that'll be one video to watch :)

  12. Ha ha! I'd never heard of him but he's funny. I hope you do get picked on 'cos it will make it all the more rememberable (I mean that in a nice way) and I'm sure you can give as good back! GO JAYA!

    1. thanks for all that cheer, Juliette. he's nasty.

  13. he's quite cool...not heard of him before

  14. good for you...have fun!!!

  15. Hope you have fun, i do like Russel Peters, he is always funny, hes done a few movies too. But mainly playing comedians. Now you have tempted fate by saying he will pick on you, he surely will.
    The youtube videos were so funny, like it when he thought they were going to take him to a torture camp lol.

  16. Lol I enjoyed that vid

  17. Comedians are so intelligent they can easily get jokes for every answer you throw back at them. Poor David and Vickey.


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