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Absorbing Like A Sponge

WHY is KFC such a big deal ? I don't get it. It's still a celebratory food among people from some cultures. Initially I thought it was just a Malaysian thing but apparently that's not the case. People literally light up at the mention of this fried chicken from Kentucky and look forward to an evening full of it! It's chicken for god's sake, not chocolate for it to be finger lickin' good, isn't it ? 

Sorry folks. I've been hopeless on here the past few weeks. I've just moved to Qatar and still missing my family, friends and homeland rights and at the same time, the dusty new country has given me the bug so I've just been recovering and discovering the medical facilities and institutions here. Let's just say a trip to a clinic for sinusitis cost me six times more of what I usually paid back home and it involved a face x-ray + blood and urine tests = a bag full of pills. Worst, the doctor had no sense of humour so I ended up laughing at my own jokes. I was a bloody joke. 

From my many previous visit to this land, I have written about the driving culture here. It's royally crazy despite the law enforcement efforts but sometimes there is only so much you can do not to hit a pedestrian (and NO. That does not mean you actually hit them). They tend to be mindless too, much like zombies. Last week we were parked at this area to run some errands on a Friday. The roads were empty like it was a cow boy town. Then just like that, the main street turned into a mini Pakistan and men carrying prayer mats started walking out from all directions to the source of the Voice. Obviously it was the call for the Friday afternoon prayer. No regards for precious lives or vehicles for which the road centre is actually meant for and who gives a rat's ass about vehicles reversing out of parking bays. Right. That's part of the culture here and you respect it like it's a piece of the constitution. Otherwise, on top of carrying the guilt of running over one of these pedestrians, you'd also be burdened with something called the Blood Money and that's not fun. 

I'm still absorbing like a sponge. 


  1. Don't worry about not posting so much Jaya, it sounds like you're really busy although I'm sorry to hear that you're missing home so much! Qatar sounds awesome and I really can't wait to read more about your time there. As for KFC I really like it in moderation, they do some delicious food, I think it's just the coating on the chicken that makes it so nice!

    1. thanks Matthew. hope things are well with you.
      maybe KFC doesnt appeal to me because i dont like chicken ?
      yeah, must the 11 spices and herbs they use in the batter :)

  2. My face lights up when someone mentions KFC and I don't even eat it! The thought of those finger-licking breadcrumbs getting caught in the Colonel's white beard makes me smile! Good luck with the sinus treatment - I hope the cure is a permanent one.

    1. eeee. poor mrs sanders ! lol.
      thanks GB. i dont know of a permanent cure for sinusitis though.

  3. KFC is blah to me, I don't get it either. Damn bugs keep haunting you, hopefully they leave you be soon. And zombies you say, lop of their head, just kidding haha

    1. i think they've taken a permanent residence in me. time for genocide.
      lol. Pat. they walk from all directions in the same pace. that's why it's zombie-like.

  4. KFC is so bad for you. It's chock full of trans-fats. You might as well inject the stuff right into your heart.

    I remember terrible driving in Saudi Arabia. Sometimes they'd just leave the totaled vehicles right on the side of the road. I am looking forward to hearing more about your new home and hope the homesickness eases.

    1. it's oily and almost gross when you look at it but ppl love em. they are many other oily stuff which are nice.

      i haven't been to saudi but since i'm located here, i have plans on visiting the neighbouring countries. hahaha. it happens here too. my husband's car got involved in an accident earlier this year and it was left by the side of the road for days before it was brought to the workshop.

      there'll be more stories for sure. thanks :)

  5. All I can say is that chicken in general is tasty as **** and KFC brings it's A game when it comes to chicken so I understand why people like it that much! Don't bomb the bird man :P

    1. oh damn. my problem is that i dislike chicken in general. lol.
      thanks for visiting :)

  6. YeamieWaffles is right, Jaya. No need to apologize whatsoever, especially when you've taken a trip down Medicine Lane and miss your family.

    P.S. Thanks for stopping by my new blog. It means we're still friends even though I've been gone for such a long time. :))

    1. RC!!! of course we're still friends :) you new blog looks very nice. i'm thinking of starting a second blog just to chronicle my life in doha.

    2. That's exactly what I wanted to hear :) I used to have a second blog called The Lazy Students Gazette but in the end it was me who got lazy.... Maybe it's true men can only do one thing at a time.

    3. i must be a man deep within then, RC. well, i feel like one most of the time but i like men. hmm. you know what i mean ?

    4. I had to read it twice... but I think I know what you mean, Jaya J. Are you serious about that second blog? If so, why don't you just make it a part of this one?

  7. ACK! Driving in that environment would freak me out! Aiieee.

    1. more than that, it's annoying Gia.
      not good for the mind, body and soul.

  8. Seems like terrible driving is common throughout the world. We've seen some awful examples here in Kuantan!

    I'm sure you'll get into the swing of things soon!

    1. we have bad drivers back home too :) wont deny it but they're of a different class here.

      thanks Duncan !

  9. You should come to SA, KFC is the largest fast food chain... followed by McDonalds.

    Don't worry hun, you're just adjusting - hope you're back on top of the world in no time ;)

    1. it is also the biggest chain in Malaysia, Azra :) but i grew up with Mcdonalds so my comfort food is that.

      and thanks babe :)

  10. I had no idea that Kentucky Fried Chicken is eaten in so many places. We used to get it when we had company and my mom didn't have time to cook. I hope you'll feel comfortable soon in your new surroundings.


    1. it's massive Janie. KFC is massive.
      thanks Janie :)

  11. I kinda liked KFC when I was a kid, but now, it's just one of those places.

    Sorry to hear about the whole new miserable experience. Hope things pick up soon.

    1. believe it or not - i never ate KFC when were kids. my dad wouldn't buy us those. we had more of McDs.
      thanks Terra. hope to see you soon.

  12. Believe it or not, China is the largest consumer of KFC. It is massive over there.


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