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Office Theft

ON Facebook last week, a friend had expressed her disappointment and devastation over a theft in her office. Someone had actually stolen her laptop. I mean, who steals a colleague's laptop, right ? It's not like grabbing a pen or a stapler from someone's desk on the way back from the loo (although if anyone steals my Mont Blanc, I'll be sure to unleash one of my favourite spells.  In this case, I'd hope for the thief, assuming it's a man, to have a permanent erection).

She had a valid reason to be upset alright. For some reason, I was upset too, especially over a reaction by one of her friends to her status update. This guy came on, laughed out loud and said nothing nice at all to a friend who's lost her work and frantically trying to meet her deadlines. Seriously. What do you do with your lappy when you step out of your cubicle for a little break ? It's not like she is working in a makeshift office at the back of a dodgy rubber processing factory for any random person to walk in and steal her machine, containing work stuff. You wouldn't expect that in a decent corporate office, located in a nice part of the city (although I agree the odds are always ever present). 

I can't say that I've lost anything of importance at my work place. Sure, there's the occasional, "did you see my mug" from me. Then again, that's just me. Chances are I'd misplaced it on someone else's desk while I went on my evening PR rounds. Or the mug had been lying dormant somewhere in the pantry I hadn't even noticed it because I'd been drinking out of bottles for far too long (I drink mostly just water and I like drinking out of clear bottles). However, some colleagues haven't been that lucky. They have lost tokens of appreciation sent to them. Nothing fancy but what's up with these people who go snooping around other people's desks and then, pick up little things they fancy. Of course, nothing beats a laptop with work stuff in it. 

So, there were some passive-aggressive comments between the friend who'd lost her laptop and her insensitive 'friend'. You know how we silently wait around and watch when things like this happen on Facebook timeline, right ? I learnt from my friend that the guy had actually 'unfriended' her the next day. Hah! 


  1. I was just going to say that he didn't sound much like a friend at all...

    Thankfully, I've never had anything significant taken from me at work (other than stationary) - however, I've heard of people who've had their cellphones stolen etc. It's ridiculous to have your laptop stolen from your cubicle though... it's definitely a new low.

    1. yeah, Azra. i've heard of many phone cases. i've been lucky many times as i have left my phone idling around in places it shouldnt be. i need to be more careful.
      yeap. laptop is a new low.

  2. Sounds like a big A Hole in every way. What kind of idiot says that? And what kind of idiots steals people laptops from work? So stupid, hopefully both get what is coming to them.

    1. big A Hole. youre right about that :)

  3. I can't believe that someone stole your colleagues laptop, that's just wrong. You'd wonder if the insensitive "friend," didn't steal it the way he was getting on although he might make a bit of a good point that leaving it out in the open was a risk that mightn't pay off at some point. I love the mug too, "Mr Tea," haha, I'd be mad if someone stole that off me!

    1. the last thing you need after having your laptop stolen is someone insensitive laughing about it. she's not a colleague :) she's from a different office. yeah, i think the mug is cute too :)

  4. That's terrible to think your things can't be safe even at your own desk at work. It makes me wonder how come nobody saw it? Or Is it just a small business? I don't know what the Facebook conversation between them was like but that sounds harsh. That doesn't sound like a friend worth having if he didn't have any sympathy at all, nobody can watch everything they own 24/7.

    1. it is terrible that you cant leave your things around at your office desk sometimes. but i suppose, there'll always be someone like that around anywhere ? just have to be a little vary of important belongings.

  5. I've never had anything stolen from me at work, but a publisher once snooped through the papers on my desk and found a cartoon given to me by a colleague. He thought it was about him. It was uncomplimentary, but we were amused because it applied to a former boss. I think the publisher would have been happier if he had minded his own business and let me do my job. He had no reason to think I was doing anything wrong. Perhaps he felt guilty.


  6. I won't be able to continue commenting here if you keep the double word verification. The words are very difficult for me to read and it's hard on my eyes.


    1. hey Janie. thanks for pointing it out, i didnt even know it was at that mode. it's all good now i think ? hahaha. that's actually a little funny. he felt a pinch he shouldnt have. maybe its even a good thing.
      thanks for stopping on here.

  7. I had a laptop stolen once – and hadn’t backed up everything! What a horror. Your friend has my sympathy and the culprit has my disgust.
    As for Facebook, I think its existence (and what goes on there) is giving a whole new meaning to what it means to be a “friend.”

    1. oh ouch. sorry. that is horror alright.
      FB 'friends'...well, most are not friends, just acquaitances. its a place to keep your contacts together i suppose.

  8. Loongmeister28 May, 2012

    People hide behind the wall of Facebook. They say stuff they'd NEVER dare to say to u to your face. It's crazy!

    1. you should know more about this, Karen !

  9. your wish for the thief is probably every mans dream.

    1. hahaha. maybe after a while, it's not a nice dream anymore ?

  10. A laptop is pretty expensive, can they call the security, and look at tapes or something? It is sad when people you work with steal, maybe you can have some kind of trip wire trap leading to a bucket of paint hanging from the ceiling. I know you can put software on it now where you can remotely control the webcam so you can see what the crook is up to, 'oh no hes taking his shirt off...MAN BOOBS MAN BOOBS, ABORT, ABORT'. Well, she could call the police at least. Maybe the insensitive friend stole the laptop?

    1. hey, Jon. i havent really checked on what she did to follow up on the issue but i'm pretty sure, there has been some enquiry on it.
      hmm. i kind of like your trip wire trap idea. it will be pretty messy though but it will be interesting to catch the thief red-handed - provided it's red paint in that bucket !
      insensitive friend doesn't work at the same place :)

  11. It can happen anywhere and anytime I suppose. I keep my stuff secure at all times.

    1. it's a great approach, Adam. to be careful all the time.

  12. I can relate to your friend... Had some stuff stolen from me at work as well. At least we still use desktops so no chance of that getting stolen. As for comments on Facebook, I think some people are just plain mean. Perhaps it's the fact that they're not face to face with you that makes them think they can say anything.

    1. yes, Terra. i thought of you too when i wrote this post. i remember reading some stuff stolen at your office.
      yeah, the internet sometimes gives you the illusion you're free to say anything. see how much trouble the malayalee girl has gotten herself into with her racist FB comments. just stupid.

  13. Why would you steal something like that? What use would it be of to you? Don't you think you're going to get caught when they notice you have a new laptop?

    When I figure out how to get it to work, I plan on getting a program that will cause my laptop to automatically take a picture with it's webcam everytime it turns out. And then send it to my email. That way, if it does get stolen, I can immediately find out who took it.

  14. I am the one who has had her laptop stolen:( After getting over the initial shock of discovering that the laptop was not on my desk at 8.30am.. going through all kinds of ifs in my head...if I had brought home my laptop, if my back wasn't giving me problems, if I had saved my work on the server, if I had stayed back in the office to finish off ...anyway, I called my CFO ( the rest in the office, shrugged it off and went back to work) and he walked into the office to find that there were signs of forced entry into his room. The company CSI team started our investigations and found that 2 laptops, 1 Netbook, 1IPad and petty cash were stolen. The robber also left behind Cherry Coke. After drowning my sorrows on multiple teh tariks, I called clients ..requested for extension of deadlines, I worked on borrowed lap top, while I searched memory banks for the award winning work that I was very sure I had completed.. It was at the end of the day when I posted by thoughts on the theft on FB. A friend ( now former friend) made some careless remarks and since he was not able to respond effectively, he unfriended me:) Why was he on my FB? He was a former colleague. The robber has been identified and it is now being investigated. As for me I have met my deadlines, I am still waiting for a new laptop and I discovered that some friends are worth keeping and some.. not:) Thank you Jaya for your thoughtful text messages and for caring. Thank you all for your comments and support!


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