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It's All Good

NAYATI has been found ! Yes, the 12-year-old who made headlines the past week and had the nation and half the world worried about him was found a couple of days ago, safe and sound. He is a brave little boy. I guess all that positive energy directed at having him back home safe has paid off.

My weekend has just begun with me staring into the rather choppy waves of Pantai Tengah in Langkawi. Sue me, but holiday or not, part of relaxing for me definitely involves some bit of worldly connections like the Internet! I was pretty damn upset when I learnt that there was no WiFi in the rooms when I arrived here yesterday. Things are looking good at Frangipani Resort and Spa today though. Not too many tourists taking up these lazy chairs and the sound of waves is beginning to do some bit of damage control to my sanity after last night :) 

 A new day... Mich and I, not too groggy today
A nice blue day
Mich doing her thing
I should learn to be just candid

Such a stark contrast from last weekend. While most of my friends and colleagues were busy getting tear-gassed for participating in a rally (Bersih 3.0) at the city centre, I spent my time in a hotel room, minimally dressed with some men who were really good with their hands. When one was in between my legs, working on my inner thigh, the other watched intently. Hahaha.  Really. It wasn't half as kinky as it sounds but it did me a lot of good to have had some therapy done to help release spasms in my legs by these really great doctors. Thanks to them, I'm suddenly into barefoot exercising and maybe would even consider barefoot running when the legs get sorted out.  I shall blog about that soon. 

By the way, I was speaking to a colleague from a Chinese media a few days ago. Apparently, getting tear-gassed is like swallowing a mouthful of Wasabi. It has the same effect, only 100 times worse. Imagine that. A pinch of Wasabi is enough to fuck with your entire head and sanity. What more a mouthful X 100. I would've probably died in a situation like that. 


  1. Oh nice... I need a holiday sometime soon.

    I've swallowed a spoonful of wasabi before - a dare of sorts with a 23 year old friend. It was madness.

    1. hello Terra. make a holiday to Bangkok or something :)
      this trip is an eye opener. our tours are quite shite.

    2. wasabi madness :) i panicked the first time.

  2. The closest I got to wasabi was when I stopped before the Japanese restaurant nearby.. but before I could think, the lights turned green and I had to drive away.....

    Nice pics Jaya.. am sure u had jolly good fun :)

    Happy weekend:)

    1. you stop and GO in and get a taste of that stuff. it's crazy but i love it :)
      hope you had a nie weekend :p

  3. That's great news about the boy - these stories don't often have a happy ending. Those doctors really lucked out! Have you thought of entering a sexy legs competition?

    1. yeah, GB. its great news. i think the family is on a quiet holiday too. i saw them here.
      sexy legs competition huh. yikes.

  4. Anonymous05 May, 2012

    What lovely photos of you Jaya

  5. just read the heading....felt so damn happy...will read the post now :)

    1. u should comment after reading the post. hahaha.
      hope you're well, Hari.

  6. I had a taste of teargas way back in 1984 as part of riot dispersal drills training.

    Wasabi is definitely more delicious, even 100 times over, and it is accompanied with sashimi.

    1. tear gas is not cool, Hobbit. sorry you had to experience. wasabi is fun actually.
      i like it in small doses.

  7. I am so happy to hear that Nayati managed to return home safe and sound, that's seriously great news because these kinds of disappearances usually don't end well unfortunately. I love the photos too Jaya. I'm so jealous, it seems like you're in paradise right now while I'm stuck here in normality, it's great to see you're making the most of it.

    1. yeah. indeed a great news, Matthew. amazing.
      paradise of some kind. hahhaa. i m missing normality right now, and would be happy to head home tommorow.

  8. Great pics, looks like you are have a nice relaxing time. Never tried Wasubi, now I do not want to...haha

    1. try it , Pat.
      in small doses. its kind of exciting ;)

  9. I don't like the jellyfish warning, I would be afraid to jump in the water.

    1. i never saw one here so far. i think maybe its seasonal or something ?

  10. Great to hear the Nayati is safe and sound.

    And looking good there - the beach also looks idyllic. Langkawi is on on my bucket list too :)

    1. thanks, Azra :) langkawi is alright. you should go to other areas in the east malaysia...way much nicer :)

    2. but please come down to kuala lumpur. would be great to have you :)

  11. First, I am happy to hear that they've found the child. I wasn't actually expecting that. Did the news say what had happened?

    I don't like even a hint of wasabi - I would not do well with being teargassed. I think you made the better choice with your vacation!

    1. i suppose some aspects of the story are meant to be kept quiet so the police or the family may me keeping mum about it.
      wasabi may come on too strong for some people's liking, but have you tried the wasabi flavoured or coated nuts ? they are not too bad really :)

  12. I seem to have focused totally on the words "spasm" and "man between my legs" hold on.....
    Sounds like you're having fun!
    Glad the boy was found.
    Enjoy your.. Erm.. Therapies!

    1. i dont blame you, Juliette :) it was kind of fun ! hahhaa.

  13. Wonderful news – a happy ending. (So many aren’t.)
    Wish I was there listening to those soothing waves…

    Great post title - nice to have an occasion to use such a phrase. :)

  14. glad he is found!!! I remember that post very well...
    lucky you at the beach..looks fun! I wish i were there right now!
    I love wasabi! but have never even seen tear gas.

    1. yeah, it's nationwide relief that he's back, Annmarie. thanks for your thoughts.

  15. Wonderful news about the boy! And cute sunglasses.

  16. Ugh, it makes me realise how lucky i am to be in England, when we protest we get kettled but we don't get gassed.Kettles does not mean they make us a cuppa, sadly. The pigs just barricade protesters in one place, its illegal. Beware of jellyfish?, is that fish that that are a bit tubby and need some excercise?.The drawing underneath looks like four people carrying a canoe.
    All your photos look amazing.

    1. this rally was 100, 000 people or more, and it's for electoral reform here, but many view it as a political, so its highly controversial and it's even on the social calendar of many people, especially younger malaysians.
      yeah. the wobbly buggers who sting!
      never really noticed the jelly fish photo so have a point there, Jon.
      and thanks :)


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