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Draw Something

HOW was my weekend you ask, RC ? It was fantabulous despite the pain in the neck of course :) But lately, there’s a been a little pain in the arse too and that is a whole different story, my friend. 

It's my LIONKING ! 
So I’ve been addicted to Draw Something. This app is crazy addictive and I spend about two hours a day just replying draw requests. It’s pretty interactive - just draw something and post it to your selected friends so they can guess your drawing, and when guessed correctly, you earn coins which can be used to buy more colours and tools. I’m still just operating with four colours - black, yellow red and blue. And it seems to me that I have a long way to go before I can make enough coins to purchase green, white and maybe pink ? Otherwise, I’m still getting used to drawing details on a tiny touch screen. It is not easy but somehow friends like Azman, Mei Ling and Mek Zhin simply draw awesome pictures! 

I like this one. 
Over the weekend, I spent 20 minutes trying to locate my 48-year-old, visiting aunt in Forever 21. We went into the clothing store together but minutes later, I was Drawing Something and had lost sight of her. I must have appeared like a lost sheep to the person monitoring the store's CCTV recordings looking for her. Finally, when I found her, she made me buy a bra because it had 'nice straps'. And it does. 

Over lunch with Aida today, I overheard a couple of men from the table behind us talk about Draw Something too. The young one went on this persuasive speech with the older man about the app. So, I too, had to do my bit and spread the love. After finishing up with my fish Bento set, I watched Aida download the app while we waited for dessert. If ever LA Times gets boring (which is highly unlikely), at least she could Draw Something if she's not going to Skype me. Aida is leaving on Thursday for a six-month stint with the newspaper - will surely miss her and her new J-Lo hair. 

JAPAN by Meks
Sharm's SKUNK 

Otherwise, I have a new worry. My car is cranky again and that makes me really very cranky too. I wish I could kick it into a river or something. Just two weeks ago, I had serviced the air-conditioning system and even changed a few parts, costing me a small fortune. The mechanic assured me and my dad that it was going to be as cold as a fridge for at least the next five years, provided I sent it for scheduled services (which I do, btw). Today, travelling in the car felt like I had earlier fixed a few hand-dryers in it. Not good for my mental health. 


  1. Isn't this very similar to the children's toy where you draw stuff on a screen with a stylus? I suppose sending it to your friends might be more satisfying than asking mummy to have a look at what you've drawn.

    1. i think it's a lot more fun than that, GB. i feel guilty having my friends to guess my drawings because i'm not much of an artist, but i like it.

  2. Wow, now that looks interesting... somehow I hvnt got into the apps addiction yet.. might just stumble onto it very soon but glad tht u find it interesting :)

    Hope ur car gets better Jaya.. :)

    1. give it a try, Raj !
      and yes, that bloody car or mine. sigh.
      need to get it fixed.

  3. Draw Something sounds like fun – but I cannot indulge in one more addiction!! Too much time spent looking at a screen as it is...
    Just took my car in to be serviced for its third recall in five years. I find that very disconcerting but I guess the alternative is worse – having something unexpectedly quit (or fall off!) while driving.

    1. true dat, Beth. vehichle maintenance is not cheap or optional. urgh. i just hate it when the same thing keeps breaking.

      and yes, screen indulgence isn't all that healthy too.

  4. I'm sorry your car is cranky! Draw something looks so much fun, I wish i could play!

    1. thanks, Gia.
      why can't you play ?

  5. haha I can't draw worth a hill of beans, but it looks like fun.

    1. oh Pat. you're not alone. many of us, including myself, can't draw all that well.

  6. I couldn't draw something to save my life. I wish you were here so my son could fix your car. He is a car genius.


    1. it's just for fun, Janie :)
      and thanks, i appreciate that.
      i need geniuses like your son.

  7. I like sharm's skunk

    1. i thought it was cute too, Nursie.

  8. It looks pretty addicting. I may try it, but I already wander around looking lost without the aid of a tool!

    Hope things work out for your car. Been there, done that...

    Have a great week Jaya!

    1. thank you ! you have a great week too.
      hope the internet issues are sorted out for you.

  9. Those 48 year olds. Can't leave 'em wandering for one sec. :)

    1. i don't know who you're talking about apart from my aunt, but i know what you mean :)

  10. I love your drawing Jaya, now this has me tempted to try to draw my own stuff haha! Sorry to hear about your car. Even if it may be expensive it would be cool to get things sorted out sooner rather than later in case anything is majorly wrong, hope it isn't though!

    1. thanks Matthew :) and come join the club!
      well, yes. got to repair it again :(

  11. My friend just told me that she and her boyfriend are addicted to that drawing app. They spent all Friday night sitting next to each other and sending each other their drawings.

    1. i can totally get that. somedays, i just sit home alone and entertain the requests.

  12. I'm sorry to hear about the pain in the arse and that it clears up soon!

  13. Yes, thanks to Jaya and Jade, I downloaded the app too... now while typing my stories on the computer, i sneak a few mins to draw something really horrible for my frens to guess...

    1. suddenly i got lazy, Priya.
      think i may have a 100 requests now ;P

  14. I'm also having car trouble... also after it had just come back from a scheduled service. It's very depressing. I want my money back :(

    By the way...I'd easily get addicted to draw something, looks cool! :D

    1. i know that want-my-money-back feeling, Azra.
      hope you get yours fixed soon.

      draw something :)

  15. I LOVE Draw Something and I only started using it over the weekend.

    1. it will take some time before the passion dies off :)

  16. A pain in the what?! I've only read the first few sentences but I had to ask... Now I'm gonna read the rest of your post :)
    - RC

  17. I always draw little blue people or red when they're upset. Or beautiful mermaids. Or fellow-bloggers, which is particularly hard work. Too bad I didn't know you back then. Sorry to hear about your car. I once owned a crank bike and I actually threw it into a river. Good thing you decided not to do the same with your car.

    1. so are you always upset ? it's alright, i still got that pretty mermaid thing. haha.
      and didnt they catch you for illegal dumping, RC ? i tried kicking it but it wont budge. and this noon, i got it checked and a little connecting wire was off ! so i have the system working now :) its all good.

    2. No, blue means blue and red means upset. I'm rarely red. As for the bike... I first kicked it and then I threw it into the river. Just like that. I guess I was red enough for people to pretend they didn't see a thing. Glad to hear your system's working again.

  18. I'm terrible at these games. Mostly because I enjoy screwing over my friends by drawing things that are completely unrelated to what I'm supposed to be drawing.

    1. there are some like that too.

    2. Don't let my friend DWei fool you, Jaya J. The fact of the matter is he's a bit like me... he's so occupied drawing his OWN pictures - as in pictures of himself - that he's totally not good at drawing anything else.... ;)

  19. I think I might get addicted to something like Draw Something. Only problem is I might not have any friends.

    1. why not ? are u not on FB ?

    2. LOL. I am... was just kidding. Sorry.

  20. I find blogging/FB/emailing fairly addictive ==ve, but not computer games. I don't know why.


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