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Jet-Lagged and Hungry

HOLIDAY is over and I'm back into this time and space, trying to fit in. It's almost 3am now and I can't sleep. Current time in Doha, Qatar is about 10pm, and usually around this hour, all throughout last week, I was dining in some place nice with a bunch of fun-loving friends. I must say the city has some truly impressive restaurants. A real test to my child-bearing hips, tease to my tastebuds. I'm still thinking of that ever-so-yummy Wagyu Steak from La Cigale (hotel) and at this quiet hour, it's even more tempting because I'm really hungry! 

A survey in the kitchen turned up a high pile of chocolates, a box of Taiwainese pineapple shortbreads, a container of assorted nuts (unsalted) and dried fruits, a variety of instant noodles, some cookies and cheese, and my dad's pickles. Funny thing is I don't really eat these things (except for the nuts/ fruits, cheese and pickles) but they still somehow end up in my shelves. What I really would like right now is something cooked, warm and mild like a nice bowl of Pork and Wintermelon Herbal soup. Bliss. 

When I arrived this morning, I was dozing off while I still had food in my mouth and spent the entire afternoon in a sweet paralysis of sleep. And now I'm contemplating if I should even Zumba! So I'm very much awake and that means I'm jet-lagging or temporarily facing disruption of normal circadian rhythm caused by high-speed travel across several time zones in a jet aircraft, resulting in fatigue, disorientation, and disturbed sleep patterns. Hmm, do you think I can get off work for that? It does sound massive when put that way though. 

I get a day off tomorrow and then I'm back to work. It's usually a good thing. Work is like the perfect jet lag antidote as it forces me back into routine and rhythm but till that happens, I'm not liking these hungry early mornings. 

Mild-Tasting Wintermelon Soup Recipe 


  1. I would like a pile of chocolate in MY kitchen, please!

    1. if you're here, i'll be glad to pass em all to you.
      i love chocs, but i shouldnt be eating em all !

  2. The one downside to travel – coming home from your vacation tired and feeling out of sorts. Hope you’re back “in sync” soon!

  3. No need to sleep now. If you stay awake tonight, you'll feel like sleeping early tomorrow and get a good night's sleep before work. Carrot juice is a jet-lag cure taken by many notable travellers including Bugs Bunny.

    1. apparently its carrot juice and bananas, GB.
      i'm certainly not feeling like a bunny right now though :)

  4. You should always should be a life rule!

    1. yeah, it's the way of life for me :)

  5. Sorry to hear you're jet lagged but it's good you had such a great time while you were away. All of that food sounds delicious too, enjoy it Jaya.

    1. i'm just up and i feel like i could sleep for a thousand days more, Matthew.
      hope all is well with you ? take care.

  6. Yeah that sounds big enough to get you a sick day..hahaha..but work does throw one back into a routine, so I suppose it would get rid of the jetlag.

    1. it's something i found in an online dictionary and liked it :)
      work is tomorrow.

  7. Mmm. Food.

    Well at last you enjoyed your trip. Jet lag is maybe a small price to pay (so says the person who doesn't seem to have faced the problem before) ;)

    1. you mean, you never had it ?
      my system is hopeless.

    2. Furthest I've been had a five hour time difference. Didn't have any problems there or even when I got back. Don't know how it would be if I had to travel to even further timezones, though...

    3. I'm with G - you should always Zumba. Maybe you'll feel better? Although I know sometimes you simply don't have the energy to.

      Oh what I'd give to be on holiday right now with a huge box of chocolates :)

    4. yeah, Azra. zumba always make me feel better. its the junkie in me i guess.
      if you're here, i'd pass you some chocs ;)

    5. Terra, doha is also 5 hours. but i get jet-lagged like crazy.
      its a blessing that you dont experience it.

  8. Good to hear you enjoyed your holiday so much. I love dining in nice places! Even when I'm NOT hungry.
    You'd like some pork? Hey, now I know why my little friendly piggy was squealing the other day! Somehow h knew this would happen. :)

    1. what? the piggy squealing ? haha
      i always loved dining in nice places, RC.

    2. I'll keep it short for it's getting kind of late: W.E.E.K.E.N.D!!!!!!!! :) :) :)

  9. The soup looks lovely, the one good thing of visiting other countrys apart from the jet lag turning you in to a zombie is the food,try everything.
    I had to look up Zumba, it looks hilarious. How do people know you are Zumabing though and not that you have a cramp?.

    1. yes the food! i love food too much but i need to be careful with it :(
      Zumba is dance aerobics :) isnt it fun ?

  10. Aaah, the jet lag -> they say its the soul tryin to catch up after flying :)

    So how come u're in Qatar, Jaya??? I mean I always had this thing that u were in Malaysia :)

    Yummy, ur description of the food gv me the cravings.. might as well get myself a bite of dark chocolate :)

    Hope ur soul catches up with u soon Jaya :)

    1. really ? when you put it that way, it sounds like a chinese belief :)
      i visit Doha cuz my husband lives and works there. im malaysian and live in kuala lumpur :)
      i only seem to have tonnes of milk chocs, some mint choc and white choc bars. hahhaha.
      thanks !

  11. I've just returned from work and I'm hungry! Unfortunately, all I can find is some soup... :(

    1. chicken soup for the soul !
      dont complain. it's the best food, RC.

  12. welcome back!! hot soup and warm baths are my cures for everything!!

    1. thank you ! hmm. i like warm baths a lot.

  13. Lucky you, eating all this exotic food. Well at least your break is ending and mine will be starting soon. I feel a bit better about that. :P

  14. It's all good then :p

  15. I mever had jet lag (never flew) but my mom has. It wasnt a Pretty picture when she got home

  16. I always want someone to cook for me after vacationing. You just get so used to all that good food with no work.


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