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V Day News

THANK you for the well wishes! I'm doing pretty good and having a speedy recovery. Hope I haven't spoken too soon but for someone with shingles, I've very little blisters. Still have all those random shooting pains in the head, and weird phenomenon like my arm feeling icy cool sensations still exists but it's a big relief to be moving around and doing stuff. Not too bad. 

Just woke up to news alerts on a woman shot dead at South African Olympian Oscar Pistorius'(right) home. Media speculations suggest that the arrested 26-year-old is Pistorius and the woman in question was his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp. Now this peels my attention away from the rogue Los Angeles Police Department  ex-cop Christopher Jordan Dorner (He has my sympathies in some ways though). Currently perched in front of the TV watching CNN, I can't imagine what led to this awful news alert but to speculate like the rest of the world, although by speculating, I'm allowing myself some imagination too. Until two seconds ago, my speculation was Valentine's Day surprise gone wrong: Pistorius shooting Steenkamp, thinking she was an intruder. Then it was announced in the latest news. 

If that's the case, it's a great pity that the young, well-liked international athlete who's been such an inspiration to all should be handed these very bitter lemons. My hope for him is that he finds the strength to go through the ordeal and trauma of the whole thing. 

A tragic V Day news really. 


  1. That is awful, especially if your version is true. Glad you are able to move around too.

    1. it is awful. thanks for that. otherwise i'd be wallowing in self pity. haha

  2. That's sad :( But I'm glad you're on your way to recovery

  3. I'm glad you feel better.


  4. Yahoo News says that Pistorius has been charged with murder. I hope he's innocent, because it would be terrible for a Olympic athlete to have committed such a crime. Glad to hear you're on the mend, Jaya!

    1. and the hearing is today i think.
      thanks GB :)

  5. Yes it's terrible news. Reading international reports is quite amusing. People don't know how we live (in fear and constant terror) and they don't know what "burglars" do to their victims here. So I can understand if it was an accident, since most Saffans have guns in their homes (since the government won't/can't protect us). But knowing his ex-girlfriend, I won't be surprised if it wasn't an accident either.
    Sad story either way.

    1. i dont know much about the ex-gf. whats her story ?
      sad, yes.

    2. He was an abusive boyfriend - apparently - this is from Melissa his ex. She called him a psycho. No guarantees though. I still maintain we'll never know his motive and either way he has to deal with taking a life.

    3. i see. wow. not good for him if that's the case.
      i guess we could just sit back and watch the drama unfold.

  6. After hearing that the police had been called to multiple incidents at his home and that they were treating it as a murder investigation I'm beginning to fear that that story which is already tragic enough isn't true. I don't get how a much loved, inspiration like Pistorious could do that though, as sad as it is that she's dead I hope that he didn't do it out of cold blood, the guy's a hero to me, the adversity he's overcame is just incredible, keep getting better as well Jaya and enjoy your Valentine's Day.

    1. i hope so too, Matthew. it would be really sad.
      hope your V day was good.

  7. A Valentine's surprise at 3am in the morning in a country riddled with crime and murder? I wonder what the truth really is?!
    Duncan In Kuantan

  8. I heard about that story, so shocking

  9. i heard about that as well! thats so awful!

  10. Glad to hear that your shingles aren't giving you too much trouble. I've see the pictures and the stories, not pleasant at all.

    1. thanks Damien. it's great to be better.

  11. It is all over the news, he beat her up, and he beat his ex girlfriends. These people are all about control, so i read she was getting more famous, offers of tv shows.He was losing control over her so he killed her. In England there was this famous comedian, he got jailed for bashing his girlfriend, and they got a recording of his rage on tv. Him calling her worthless, threatening to beat her up. And he presented this jovial, kind personality on tv, very different from who he was at home. Wife beaters are very good at manipulation.

    1. hey Jon. good to see you back.
      so many theories and speculations.
      just a reminder of how fast life changes huh.

  12. Great to know u're recovering fast Jaya... Hope u had a good day with Valentines's.

    Ya, pretty shocking news that came our way from South Africa... lets hope ur version is the right one.

    Hope u get better soon, Jaya :)

  13. Get well, Jaya J. Please say the same to me ;)

  14. How are you doing now, Jaya J?

  15. Hurry Jaya and get well. I'm missing you! :)

  16. Hey J, all well? :D

    Long time, eh? :)

  17. Pssssst.... Jaya J...... It's weekend ;)


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