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A Graceful Surrender - Not!

I GUESS you can't really tell how you'd deal with skin ageing until you're living it...which momentarily brings me back to a conversation I had with Martin a few years ago. 

"What would you do when your glory days are over?" Martin asked. 
He had just laid out my possible initial reactions to future dealings with skin ageing with the focal point being my spotless, velvet-smooth face. Our conversations usually have random pit stops like that. If I could graph them by topic and time, you'd see a rather erratic pattern, much like the current USD/JPY Forex charts. 

"You know what I think, Martin? Youth is temporary and when it's time to let go of this perfect skin, I'd surrender gracefully," I said with a saint's conviction, not doubting one second that it'd only take a wrinkle to break a saint. I mean who has a dry T-Zone ? Most google searches would only give you useful references on oily T-Zones anyway. 

Now that the halo is off and letting go isn't working out gracefully, I'm not going without a fight to retain my air-brushed perfection for as long as I can.  More so when it concerns premature aging...which means, it's not my time to wrinkle up just yet but due to harsh weather conditions (it's very dry here in Qatar), my tropical skin has been put through a test it's not fit to face. 
Desperate, I went through some pharmacies here in Doha and settled on Nip + Fab Moisture Fix (Nip + Fab is also the creator of high-end brand Rodialwhile reserving my judgement on the poor taste of the packaging. When I started with it, I had skin peeling off around my nose and dry lines on the forehead but after three days, the skin felt firm and soft again. No more dryness surrounding the nose and the forehead isn't dull anymore. Just like that, I have less pronounced lines. 

For me, the catch was on its box with these :

  • Hyaluronic acid filling spheres plump + fill 
  • Grapeseed oil mosturises + elasticises 
  • Meaddowfoam seed oil combats skin ageing + reduces blemishes

Basically it plumps the skin, keeps it subtle and ironed out. I love that it took an immediate effect on my skin and it isn't expensive. You can get it for less than USD20 although in Qatar, I forked out QR105, which works out to USD29. 

It's also a light cream, almost serum-like texture to it that gets absorbed well and fast into the skin. You might also like its lingering, mild citrusy scent. It's easy. Then again, different people react differently to different products. I love this random pick though and may proceed to check out other products under this label :) 


  1. Have you tried a mud mask with cucumber slices over your eyes? I don't know whether it works, but a lot of women seem to believe in it. It makes their faces look interesting too (when they're doing it).

    1. Not really GB. Never had the cucumber though :) but it looks interesting enough.

    2. Just had some cucumber for dinner (!) Now I realize I should've put them on my ageing face.

  2. haha bah if it happens it happens I say, but yeah why go gracefully when you can stop it, or at least pretend you do haha

    1. No stopping Pat :) the key is in delaying it or die trying :)

  3. Jaya, You're costing me a fortune! I now look on you as my beauty advisor/guru. Last time I just HAD to go and buy the Khiels serum and now I have to have this. Promise I'll look younger?

    1. Oh wow Juliette! Did you like the oil ? I still use it n love it but the change of environment calls for something more and specific for me. I suppose we can't turn back time but perhaps we can try delaying it? It's better than living in denial.

  4. Looking at you, you seem to have good genes - I wouldn't think you'd need to use any products. But then again, a different climate can wreck havoc! I often find the best surprises in using randomly chosen products :)

    1. It's the climate, Azra. Bad for the skin, lungs and just general well being.

  5. My cuz uses this mixture of curd+turmeric.. supposedly it works very well...

    works what for , I still don't know... but I have noticed there aren't many roaches in house when she's putting that thing on her face :D

    1. check this out

      turmeric dries and heals.
      curd mosturises.
      right now, the skin is traumatised and i'm a bit at lost so will stick this product that's been okay so far :)

  6. This cream sounds awesome to me Jaya, I'm so pleased that you managed to get hold of something that you like.

  7. I'm glad you found something you like. We want to keep you beautiful.


    1. All that just to be comfortable in your own skin :)


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