This new dashboard on Blogger is driving me nuts! I much prefer the older version but I think there's no turning back now ? I can't view things properly on my phone for some reason. The sentiment also goes for Facebook's new Timeline, which I think, is like a complicated open diary. Not neat. Again, there is no turning back there, too. Thought I'll put this sweet one up. Something written by a friend. Ode to the Gecko The Gecko is a funny chap that lives in nooks around my flat. I often catch him unawares when opening doors or climbing stairs. I don't despise him despite lack of rent. Although too much time picking up his turds is spent! We never argue, we rarely bicker, And seldom does he hide the TV flicker. He keeps the place clear of mozzies and gnats, And never bores me with "meaningful" chats. He's happy if I have friends to stay, Whether bi or straight or just the other way. He never tuts if the toilet seat's up,...
a blog about small things with big value