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Never Mess With 'Fat' People

A recent article by a Malaysian newspaper has created a furore with Malaysian readers of all sizes and shapes. The article which was executed in a kamikaze attack style targeting at 'fat' people obviously had no respect for differences, body types and shapes that represent the human species. What was the writer thinking? Or how did it even get through to the print?  

In her story, the writer blatantly condemned all kinds of fat with descriptions varying from meaty and chubby to whale-like and 'elephantine' while attributing nasty, negative personality traits to them. For me, these observations are shallow and baseless. People are 'fat' for many reasons: cultural, hormonal, lifestyle, genetic influences, etc. If you don't know what or why, it's best not to make blatant comments on someone whom you think is over-sized because for me a 'fat' person is someone with a dangerously high body fat percentage. You can be skinny and still have a high body fat percentage as mine was at 35% at one point despite being a small-sized person with a small waistline. Incredibly, I have a much lower, healthy fat percentage now although I'm heavier and broader physically. 

The Chart 

Fat is also sensitive and sensational. Remember the backlash fashionista Karl Lagerfeld got when he called Adele 'a little too fat' or the obtuse fat-shaming of Melissa McCarthy by movie critic Rex Reed ? Sometimes thinking out loud without a logical back-up needs some trimming because it can be hurtful and damaging, both ways, especially if you don't know the story or the person. 

Athletes of different sizes and shapes 

The suicide mission must have worked as I suspect the writer is six-feet under heavy, fat criticisms judging from the notorious feedbacks on her Facebook page. Lesson learnt ? Never mess with 'fat' people. 


I know I've been missing for a long time and haven't had the chance to follow my favourite bloggers on here. Well, let's just say some stress had triggered a bad case of IBS and that, coupled with reflux disease had just made the last month a living hell for me. My recent three weeks break back to Kuala Lumpur had just made it worse with all the food it brought to me. Food must be the biggest trigger. A big bite of a beautiful dairy dessert for lunch yesterday gave me a prolonged tummy upset well into the wee hours of this morning! Lesson learnt ? I never seem to learn. What's life without a good, warm chocolate lava cake?
You Only Live Once. 


  1. She was just MEAN. That's not journalists do. Tsk tsk.

  2. personal attack on fat people whom she hates or something. eeks.

  3. This is just terrible to read Jaya. To be honest it seems like these journalists just write articles like this to gain attention and notoriety and the papers allow them to be printed to give themselves attention, there's something seriously wrong in a world where this is the case and that's undeniable. Sorry to hear you haven't had a pleasant month. And entire month of not being well just sounds absolutely terrible and it sucks that you've had to go through that. Get well as soon as possible, I can relate to never learning, I wouldn't stop eating my sweet treats either!

    1. thanks for your well-wishes, Matthew. i hope that you're doing well. cakes and creams are hard to give up. eeks. lol.
      it's very irresponsible to write that way i feel. hope this teaches her some humility and sense.

  4. Ugh, personal attacks? Negative character traits attributed to them? SO NOT COOL, REPORTER WOMAN. Almost everyone (unfortunately) has negative stereotypes of obese people - even obese people themselves hold them. But a reporter should know better and try to overcome them, instead of embracing them!

    1. totally agreed, Gia!
      journalists have social obligations through their reporting and views. obesity is an issue that is so sensitive it should be handled with a lot of care and consideration.

  5. Dumb indeed, some people really have no common sense. Hope the hell ends soon.

    1. thanks, Pat. it's a daily battle but hope it actually ends soon for this season :)

  6. I have tummy problems, too, so I understand. Someone called a friend and me "fat slobs" recently. I might not be skinny anymore, but it doesn't make me a slob. When I was in high school some kids picked on me because I was so thin and would ask if I was anorexic. Some people can't be pleased no matter what.


    1. Sorry to hear that, Janie. These people who associate being fat/ overweight to laziness and incompetence deserve a dose of reality check. Our bodies change for many reasons and health should typically be a focus. Fat is good for the skin btw. Keeps you looking young a bit more longer :) xx

    2. True. The fat fills in would-be wrinkles. I have a very smooth face.

  7. "Chubby" and "meaty" can be compliments if they're used in the right way. Don't Chinese people love chubby babies? Sorry to hear about you tummy problems, Jaya. Hope you're feeling better now.

    1. thanks GB. i've been real good with food these days so i think i'm okay :)

  8. The last time I checked I had a 3% bodyfat ratio or something.

    That can't be healthy.

  9. Hey Jaya! I hope you feel better. Never give up on cake. Not ever. You should always have your cake and eat it. How else can we get fat and then judged by witless writers? ;)

    1. thanks Juliette!
      nope, never.

  10. I also think that some people may do the same to skinny people, but it's not as popular to do as it is for those that are overweight. For some reason I've always wished to be over, rather than under. Something about survival I think.

    1. yea fat ppl get it bad as compared to the skinnies.
      are you real skinny Shockgrubz ?

    2. So thin that sometimes I get mistaken for a pole and people walking and texting run right into me!


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