IT'S around 5.30am. Heart beating against the rib cage, I'm seated outside at the balcony, watching the sunrise. The weather is improving. The sun doesn't burn anymore. The northerly wind probably has something to do with this delightful change. By early November, I expect the first shower of rain to grace this land, and with that, the light sweaters can come out from the backseat of my closet. I spent the night watching episodes of Mad Men. It's titillating to watch Joan Holloway do her thing. I can watch her forever. I've even been wearing my make-up like her these two weeks. Lots of nude shimmers on the lids, winged eyes, white liner, luscious lashes and red lipstick. Makes me feel terribly naughty and nice. I can't curl my hair to save my life nor it is in that haughty, great red but it will do. I could also watch Don Draper forever. So beautifully formed as they all say in every season. Good-looking people do have some advantages in many areas of...
a blog about small things with big value